Chapter 48

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Chapter 48- {Niall's POV}

Louis pulled up close to the door to the boys locker room.

"I'll be back in a sec." I said, slowly getting out of the car.

"Okay, I'll just wait in the car right here."

I hopped out with my bulky crutches and struggled through the door. I went down the line of lockers and looked for mine. 132 . . . 132 . . . 132 . . . Ah ha! I put in the combo and wiggled it open. I had a lot of clothes in that thing. I stuffed it all in a bag and locked my locker back up.

When I turned around, there were three, tall men standing over me. At first, I couldn't tell what they looked like but when I stood up, I recognized them immediately. It was the guy from the other team that had tripped me and his two friends.

They stood with their arms crossed looking at me.

"What do you guys want?" I snarled.

"Well, as I remember it, we had some unfinished business to take care of. That is, if I remember right." He said playfully.

I think the guys name was Eric. "Well as I remember correctly, you tripped me and almost broke my ankle so it's not really my fault we couldn't finish the game." I shrugged.

"Ill do whatever it takes for a victory." Eric chuckled.

"Obviously. You would probably kill someone in their sleep if it ment you would win a card game. I could report you for this you know?" I said standing up, looking down at my casted foot.

"Oh you wouldn't do that. You wouldn't dare." He stepped closer to me.

Eric pushed me and I fell back down onto the bench. Eric and his friends high-fived and laughed.

"Hey buddy, you listen up or--" I stood up, furious.

"Or what!?" he paused. "You'll hit me?" he said in a mocking voice. He chuckled with his friends.

I was angry. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Without thinking, I threw my fist at Eric's face. He jerked backwards and almost fell to the ground. What did I just do.

"You should've done that!" Eric stood up and came at me.

I backed away toward the bathroom stalls. He threw his fist at me. I tried to back up but I ran into the other row of lockers and he hit me.

It hurt but not as much as my leg. I found my strength and pushed Eric away from me. He swug into the lockers and lost his balance. He ran over to me and held me by the collar of my shirt.

By this point, my leg was throbbing. I had just sprained it yesterday and it hadn't had anytime to heal. I had no energy left and I was weak.

Then Eric practically dragged me to the back of the locker room and threw me up against the wall. I was so weak from fighting that I slid to the ground. I had a headache and my mouth was bleeding.

Eric's two friends went over to the door of the locker room and closed it. Then I knew I was screwed. The door automatically locked after a certain time of the day. We were locked in and Louis had no idea. I was about to get it bad.

One of Them (One direction Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن