Chapter 43

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Chapter 43- {Olivia's POV}

I grabbed my carry-on bags and sat down in Gate 13. I was exhausted. I buried my face in my hands, closed my eyes, and yawned. Then I looked at my phone. It was 5:30, "we should be boarding anytime now." I thought.

{Louis POV}

I starred out the window of the taxi cab. I was nurvous. What if I didn't get there in time? I wouldn't get to say my final goodbye to Olivia, and that couldn't happen. It wouldn't, I would not allow it. I was anxious and worried. I wanted to get there already.

I realized the once I would get there, I wouldn't know where to go so I texted Liam to ask him which gate she was in.

Then the taxi pulled up to the curb. I quickly payed the driver and ran inside.

Okay, okay Gate 13, Gate 13, where is Gate 13?! I was running around like an idiot. But I didn't care. I needed to find her. I needed to say goodbye to Olivia.

Then I spotted the sign that read Gate 13 and I ran towards it.

{Olivia's POV}

"Gate 13, you may now board your plane"

The lady on the intercom spoke in a low voice.

I grabbed my bags and stood up. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see someone running. I turned to look and it was Louis. Shocked, I dropped my bags by my feet. He ran towards me and when our eyes locked, he stopped.


"Louis." He ran to me and we hugged. We hugged for a long time, holding on tight. When he stepped back, he put his hands on my shoulder and looked in my eyes.

"I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye. I just want you to know that I will miss you and I will never forget about you. Please tell me you wouldn't forget me either."


"And if you ever need anything, you know how to reach me."

I nodded, holding back the tears.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" I hugged him again.

"Last call for passengers boarding At Gate 13, last call for passengers boarding at Gate 13."

"Well, looks like it's time for you to go. Call me when you arrive home babe." We hugged.

"I love you Lou."

"I love you too."

Louis kissed me on my cheek and we waved to eachother as I backed into the airplane and out of sight.

The whole plane ride I sat starring out of the small window watching the clouds go by. I looked out at the ocean. It was like an endless carpet of blue, blanketing the ground.

Would I ever be happy again? How would I ever get over leaving Louis. I wasn't one to let go easily. I took me a long time to get over things. But some how I would have to move on. But not today. Not tomorrow. Not anytime soon. I felt different about Louis. He was different. Different than all of the other guys I've dated. He was different, in a good way. I think . . . I think I loved him. Like, truly loved him. I never felt this much pain when any of my other boyfriends left.

It was like leaving half on your life behind. Like, only having half of your body. You can't live without the other half. Louis and I were sort if like that. When we were apart, we couldn't operate. We completed eachother.

The plane had finally arrived in the United States on the east coast and I still had to catch another plane. I walked out of the plane into Gate 22. Perfect. My next plane was in Gate 24.

I decided to go use the bathroom and get a small snack before I boarded.

As I was walking back to Gate 24, Gate 25 had boarded and there was a flight attendant holding a ticket. "Free ticket to London!" He waved it above his head. He saw me looking at him.

"Hello miss, there is an extra seat on this flight headed to London, would you like it?" He paused. "It's free."

"I'll take it!" I heard myself say. I didn't even think about it, it sort of just slipped out. Like an impulse of some sort. Before I knew it, I was on my way back to London.

I realized that going to that college wouldn't make me happy. It is a good college, but I can always find a great college in London. But I could never find a man like Louis. Never in a million years.

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