Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- {Maya's POV}

"I'll check around." Harry said standing up. We walked a little looking around but we couldn't find anyone around. The footsteps were getting louder. "Where is that coming from?" Harry asked. "I don't know but let's get back inside!" I said, scared. We ran to the stairs of the apartment building. I must've tripped on because I lost my balance. There was a sharp pain in my foot and I fell. It hurt, badly. The pain shot up my leg and it throbbed. Harry came back to help me up and inside.

We went inside as quietly as we could. Harry wrapped my foot and put a few pillows under it. I must've sprained it because it really hurt. Harry and I sat half up, half laying down. I was tired and shortly fell asleep.

I awoke to the bright summer sun peaking through the drapes of the window. Harry was on my left and I was up against him with my right arm wrapped around him. I sat up and stretched. Everyone was still asleep. We got up and I limped over to get some breakfast. I ate some Frosted Cheerios and Harry had his favorite, Crunchy Nut. I hadn't noticed, but Maddie and Niall were on the deck. They came inside and soon everyone else woke up. I got up to get some more cereal and Maddie noticed my limp. "What happend to your foot?" she asked, concerned. "I sprained it last night." I answered. "How'd ya do that?" Maddie asked. "Well Harry and I couldn't sleep so we went outside. We thought we heard someone walking towards us and we got scared so we ran to the apartment and I tripped on the stairs." I explained.

"Aww! Cuz Niall and I were thinking of going to a haunted house today!" Maddie said. "Oh you guys can go without me!" I offered. "No we don't want to go without you!" she said. "No it's really fine! I don't like haunted houses anyways, they give me nightmares." I said, honestly. "Awe! I love learning new things about you!" Harry said. I giggled and smiled.

"Does anyone want to go with us to the haunted house?" I asked. "Ill come along." Louis said. "Anyone else?" I asked. "Ill stay home with Maya and Harry" Zayn said. "Same here." Liam said. "Ok bye guys! We'll be back later." I said, and we left.

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