Coffee and Tea

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Chapter 32- {Maddie's POV}

I needed a job. Badly. I had no money what so ever. I decided to go job hunting. I walked along the streets looking for a good place to work at. After an hour of looking I had no luck. I was about to give up when I came across a cozy café.

I managed to get a job there working part time. The environment was so relaxed so I didn't have to do too much. It always smelled great and I got half price on everything!

"How was your first few days at work?" Niall asked me as I came home one evening.

"It's been great!" I smiled putting my stuff down.

"What's is the name of the café?" Harry put his phone down and raised his eye brow.

"The Corner Café." I replied. "Oh my god that's my favorite place! They have one of those back home, it's a chain store." Harry was excited, he was all smiles. "I go there like every morning!"

"Well I could easily get you a discount!" I smirked at him and he smirked back. "I might have to take you up that offer!" We both laughed.

The next morning I was at work. I was in the back cleaning things up when I noticed Harry walk in. I decided to finish up and go out and chat for a bit.

{Harry's POV}

I ordered some tea and sat down at one of the tables to wait for Maddie to come out. The tea was delicious! They made the best drinks. I stirred it, sipped it, and repeated. I wasn't in a hurry, it was a beautiful morning so I decided to stay for a bit and just relax and enjoy my free time.

I was playing with my cup of tea when the little bell attached to the door rang. I turned to look who it was.

Not again!! It was Britney. I cringed at her name. I hid my face so that she wouldn't see me but it was no use. She had seen me sitting there and started to walk over to my table.


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