Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- {Maddie's POV}

We got there and there were a few haunted houses. We chose the corn maze. "Are you excited?" Niall asked. "Yes! But a little nervous!" I said. "I'll keep you safe!" Niall said giggling. I smiled. We stood in front of the entrance of the corn maze. "You ready?" Louis asked. "Yea." I said, unsure.

We slowly walked in, stepping over dead grass and fallen corn stalks. We turned the first corner of the maze and walked slowly, anticipating what was going to jump out and scare us first. We turned a few more corners and a man dressed in a skeleton costum came out from the corn and scared us. We jumped and kept walking. "Wow is that the best they can do?" Louis said. We walked by scarecrows and other figures. I walked right next to one and all of a sudden it grabbed me by my side. I screamed. "I didn't think that was a real person!" I said. We walked on. It was pitch black and we couldn't see anything.

We then came to an area where the ground was filled with fog and it was lit up. We cautiously walked through. Then someone grabbed Louis foot and he fell under the fog. I grabbed him and pulled him up. We started to run through the maze when a bright spark lit up over the corn. There was a sizzling sound and an explosion. We all stopped and screamed. The corn caught on fire and it spread fast. "Is this real or part of the maze?" I asked, afraid. "I think it's real! Come on!" Louis yelled. We ran in the opposite direction of the fire. Niall and I ran, following Louis but he got too far ahead that we lost him. We kept running but then the flames blocked our path. "Its surrounding us!" I yelled.

He hugged eachother. "Niall, if we burn alive in here, I just want to let you know I love you." I said. "I love you so much too, you mean the world to me." Niall said. We kissed. Then the atmosphere became extreamely hot and smoky and it became hard to breathe. We began to cough. I couldn't stop coughing. My lungs filled with smoke. I became dizzy and fell to the ground. Everything was blurry. Then I looked up and could make out the figure of heavily dressed men coming towards me. They were firemen coming to help us. They picked me up and then I blacked out.

One of Them (One direction Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora