Movie Night

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Chapter 12- {Maya's POV}

I led Hannah inside the apartment building to our door. "Ok I know we barely know eachother but I can tell we will be best friends." I began. "No matter what is behind this door, DO NOT scream or freak out, ok?" "Ok." she agreed, looking confused. I opened the door and once she saw One Direction sitting at the table, she went absolutly mental. She screamed. I covered her mouth and pulled her into the bed room. She stopped and she stood there. "Is that... are" she stammered. "Yes they are really there. Just calmed down, breathe in..... and out. Now we are going to act completely natural here, we are not going to scream no matter how much we want to. Understand?" I asked. She nodded, unable to speak. I opened the door and lead her out. "Boys this is Hannah." I introduced. She waved, "Hello." "Hello Hannah! Louis said. "Hello." she said blankly. "Hannah?" I asked. She just stood there starring at them. "Oh sorry!" she apologized. I think I'm ok now. Oh shoot, I have to be home now, it was nice to meet you all." she said looking at her phone. "You want to come over and hang out tomorrow?" I asked. "Oh yes that would be great!" she said. She gave me her number and left.

"She seems nice." Harry commented. "Yeah." Niall agreed. "She's the ultimate fan girl that's for sure." I said, playing with my phone.

The next day Hannah knocked on the door and I let her in. "Hey guys!" she she, excitedly. "Hi Hannah." Harry said. She blushed and took a deep breath. "Look at cheeky chappy over here." Louis said, grabbing Harry's cheek. "You have great dimples, Harry." Hannah said, smiling. "Why thank you." he said. Was she flirting with Harry? I couldn't tell but if was, she better knock it off. "Let's watch a movie guys!" Niall suggested. We all agreed and put one in. "You know that Harry and I are dating, right?" I told Hannah. "Oh really? That's too bad." she said. "What was that?" I asked. "Oh nothing." she said, quickly. I heared perfectly well what she said, but I wanted to make sure I was hearing right. Uh did she really just say that?! She better back off my man or this night was going to take a turn for the worse.

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