What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXI...

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"Yeah...I won't deny I was a little...Uncertain...About comin' today." Shy smile, shrug. "Dracula, dudes...Drac-u-la. Sounds like a bad ole horror flick, 'Dracula versus the Werewolf', huh?" wry grin. "I mean according to everyone so far, he's a nicer guy these days but if it's Dracula then it's likely to be rough if it comes to fightin', Redemption or no. Still, I made a promise and these guys have done right by me so far. And I feel like I should be around, to look after the girls and keep 'em from doing anything crazy, like with going right in after Devious the other day and Ginny, my girl, taking him on like that. I mean, great job..." she puts up hand. "But we need to keep it cool and the girls right now are all hot and bothered for their owners. Martha nearly freaked yesterday, I understand, when she heard Nandor was going on his Drac hunt. And then that Devious is bad news even if we manage an alliance. Not that I'd trust him for a moment. Any new stuff on him by the way? No?" sigh. "Well, busy times. I guess though if Drac is working with Van Helsing here it can't be too bad, his goals I mean...He must mean well...At least I hope so."

She eyes the group carefully after a question...Shrugging.

"Well...I don't know. I don't say I'm pulling for it, I have a job to do and made promises and my word's my bond, ya know? And I can't be sure what the deal really is for Van Helsing and co till they show." Shrug. "I mean I've seen werewolf hunters and vamp hunters who just wanted to get their jolies out of the hunt. Want to put our heads over their fireplaces and our pelts on their floors, that's their idea of 'helping' us." Frown. "I've had that crowd after me, a bunch of militia boys who only needed the white hoods and couldn't've cared less about 'freein' me from my 'dark curse'. Hell, they've hated to 'help' me. They came to get a black werewolf pelt to match out their set. But they found it wasn't so easy to gut, stuff, and mount the Knieve." Glare, sigh.

"Still, if it would free the girls, it might not be so bad if Van Helsing and co did their thing if no one was hurt or suffered too much. I guess it would help Laszlo and the others too, right? But it's not my business and not my place here to judge anyone. I've a few things on my plate, I know, and when my time comes, I'll have to hope I can cut a deal. It would be nice to know someone's lookin' to do something for me too, after all." Nervous shrug.

She nods at another question...

"I don't want to kill anyone, I don't enjoy it, least of all good people trying to save others, including friends of mine...I see my job here as using my extras to let the guys know the folks are coming, protect the other girls much as I can, and not let anyone die if I can manage it. A good bark and show of fangs can go a long way, ya know?" coy smile.

"Who knows, after all? When my babies are older and can care for themselves without Mom, I might be looking for my Redemption. But right now, all they got is me." Shrug. "Guess God doesn't always have a lot of time to look after every child and sometimes even a werewolf's a better Mom or parent than none."


The Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe...

"So, Miss Nugent..." Dr. Acura smiles at Phyllis, pleased at his quick remembrance... "Just what did you wish from me? In addition to any questions you had about my dear Rosa?"

"You're the one who came to see Guillermo, back in New York. But not just because of the aunt...And you're a... You're..." she states, firmly, then fading into vagueness.

"I'm a sort but different. I am...Dracula...Yes. But not the Dracula you may have read of or seen in those Hammer films." Wry smile. "Release the stake in your pocket, my dear." He eyes her carefully. "Let it go, it's of no use to you anyway, I wouldn't die quite that easily."

She stares...Transfixed. Hand in pocket of skirt releasing said stake...

"I...Have...To protect..."

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