Bitter Love - Part 3/3

Start from the beginning

A moment later she pulls out a gun and aims it directly at your head.


"Yes?" she signs in imaginary exhaustion.

Your thoughts race with things that you could say and you can feel panic set in.

"Tick... tock..."

"You....don't have to kill me?" you ask.

She laughs merrily at you, "That's...just not how this works love... Besides! I'm saving you really... From a life of...dullness... your life has been very dull hasn't it? Since you broke his sweet little heart..."

"There must be something I can I do! I don't want to die!"

"Does anyone dear?"


"OH! Alright! You've pulled at my heart! There is something you can do..."


"Kill him."

"But don't you need him?"

"If you kill him, I could take over the Serpents and I won't need to play wife to a man."

"I'm not killing him."

"Why not? Does your life not mean more to you than his?"


"Unless..." she purrs, "You do still love him?"

You look away from her, "Oh you dooooo!" she squeals.

"He will be so happy to hear that! He will practically do anything to keep you safe... Isn't that right Sweet Pea?"

You glance into the corner and notice a figure in the shadows that wasn't there before. Sweet Pea walks into the light and stands right in front of you. You gaze up at him purely baffled.


He leans forward, his hands resting on the arms of the chair and gazes into your eyes. The roar of emotions running through you is overwhelming and you feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

"Leave us," his voice cuts through the air as your begin to sob. You tuck your head down and curl into yourself as far as you can go.

"I'm sorry baby... but it had to be done..."

"I don't understand why you're doing this to me..."

"Because if you are going to be my queen I have to make sure you are loyal."

"Sweet Pea! What are you even talking about?!"

"I want you to marry me..."

You stop and gaze at him in shock.

"Marry you...?"

"We love each other, you've proven your loyalty to me, I can provide for you, and with a little training you will be able to think under pressure. We will be amazing together. We're meant to be together."

"Was any of this real?"

"Of course it was real... The way we feel about one another is real..."

"No Sweet Pea... Was any of this real? Or did you just make it all up?"

"I needed to know how you felt and the a person staring down death is the most pure form of themself."

You're speechless as you regard the man in front of you.

"Come on, baby.... Let's get you more comfortable and then we can discuss everything."

You only nod numbly as you attempt to process everything. He unties you from the chair and helps you to stand up. You notice that you are still in the bathing suit from what feels like a lifetime ago. He leads you into a room where he guides you to the bed. You sit and feel the bed beside you dip, but you can't look at him.

"We're going to be so perfect together..." he whispers as he helps you to remove your bathing suit top. Your arms wrap around your bare breasts to shield them as he gets up and walks over to a dresser. He opens a drawer and pulls a nightgown from its debts, it's in a deep shade of emerald green. He rolls the gown up until it's easy to slip over your head.

"Arms up baby," he says softly.

You do as your told and raise your arms and a moment later feel the silk fall down your body. He hands you pair of matching underwear and you hold them in your hand staring down at them for a moment.

"I'm going to take a shower my love... we will catch up some more when I get out..." he says with a smirk as he turns and walks into the bathroom.

Your eyes widen in terror as the bathroom door clicks shut. You stand up and rush over to the bedroom door and gently try it. It's locked.

You groan as you rush over to the windows and examine them as well. Even if you could open one, you are 3 stories up and several men with guns are scattered across the lawn. You look down at the underwear in your hand before you change, putting it on in place of the swimsuit.

You glance over at the remote and turn the TV on. The news is full of your face. Your car is being pulled from the river in a clip on the bottom. The words Missing: Presumed Dead flashes across the screen. You don't know how long you stand there staring forlorning at the TV before you vaguely hear the bathroom door open.

"Don't worry beautiful... We can be together now..." he says as his hands come to rest on your arms, his lips on your neck.

"Sweet Pea? What have you done?" you croak out around a sob.

"Removed any and all obstacles that could keep us apart. I think you are going to adjust to life here very well..."

Three Months Later

Sitting on the balcony at your Chateau in France you gaze serenely out at the morning sun rise. You sip your coffee and rest your hand laden with your engagement ring on the keys of your laptop. Sure you had fought it at first, but you have everything you could ever want.

You have Sweet Pea, the love of your life, your freedom, your career, a chateau in France and you want for nothing.

"How is your novel coming my love?" Asks Sweet Pea as he walks out on the balcony to join you.

"Perfectly," you say with a glowing smile at your husband to be.

"So, you're happy here?"

"Of course I am... I'm happy where ever you are, besides I have everything I could ever want and more."

He smiles a self satisfied smile, "I'm glad to hear that my love... How are the details for the wedding coming?"

"We will be meeting with the baker this week, I've already put it on your calendar."

He just nods as he takes a sip, he already knows what you will choose, but he likes to make you happy anyway.

"I thought the little bakery we went to when we first got here would be the perfect one! Don't you think so?" you twitter as you gaze lovingly over at him.

"Of course, if that's what makes you happy."

"You make me happy," your glowing as you giggle at him.

How did you ever even live your life without him before?

Credits to: In Your Wildest Dreams (

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