Bitter Love - Part 1/3

Start from the beginning

"There was a bank robbery..."

"Did they hurt you?" his voice is steel.


"You need to come home... Sweet Pea will explain everything."

"Come Home?"

"Yeah... I'll text you the address," with that the line goes dead without so much as a goodbye, and while you are still staring down at your screen in shock, it dings and an address pops up onto your screen.

You had been intending to just run errands today, you had taken a mini vacation from work to get caught up with things around your place; however, this seems to be much more important.

Starting up your car you tap the address on your screen and watch as it loads the map and directions. You gaze down at it before you pull out of the parking and onto the road heading back home.

It takes a few hours for you to finally get there and when you pull up in front of the mansion before you, it's a major step up from the trailer that you and Sweet Pea had spent all your time in as teenagers.

At the gate are two men in black suits that stop you. You give them your name and they wave you through. When you make it to the door, a guy comes running out of the front door followed by Fangs.

"(Nick Name)! Look at you! You're gorgeous as ever!!" he says as he comes down the stairs, his arms open for a hug. You walk up to him and he pulls you into a friendly hug. The familiar scent of his cologne hits you and you relax a little, remembering simple times like movies in the back of his truck at the drive in and trips to the quarry around a bonfire.

He pulls back and takes your car keys from your hand and hands them to the man waiting patiently beside the two of you. You watch in fascinated confusion as the man gets into your car and drives it out of sight.

"He's just taking it to the garage to park it."

"Oh...fancy..." you say with a raised eyebrow as you follow Fangs into the mansion, suddenly feeling extremely underdressed in your jeans and tee shirt.

He just laughs, "Yeah... I guess things are a little different than what you remember huh?"

The easy smile he sends you helps you to relax a little, "Just a little..."

"He's in his office, I'll take you to him."

"Just like that..." you ask with a snap of your fingers.

"Just like that, he's excited to see you," he says with a snap of his fingers,"You know... I don't think he ever got over you..."

You stop for a moment and Fangs stops to wait for you, "You need a minute?"

"I don't know... This is not how I expected my day to go..." you say softly as you gaze down at your shoes. They are an old pair of vans you've had since forever. You remember you came across them when you were cleaning out your closet, so you decided to wear them. You remember you wore these shoes everywhere when you were a teenager: you wore them to Pops on your dates with Sweet Pea, you wore to school where he would hold your hand as you walked down the hallway, you wore them to the Wyrm where he taught you to play pool, you wore them the Quarry where you spent lazy Sundays cloud watching, and you wore them to his place where you hid from the world and cuddled on his old beat up couch.

You heave a deep breath before you look up at your old friend, "Why did we stop talking?" you ask in a whisper.

"You and Sweet Pea broke up, and you had a life that didn't involve us..."

"I'm sorry..." you murmur.

"It's okay," He says as he takes a step towards you, "We've all been through a lot and there is a lot that happened here that I wouldn't have wanted you to be a part of. The road to the top is paved with sacrifices, and I'm glad you had nothing to do with it."

You know he's trying to reassure you, but that just reminds you that the Sweet Pea you are about to see isn't the boy you used to skip school with to get milkshakes.

He opens the doors and you walk into the office that is unapologetically Sweet Pea. Hanging above a black marble topped desk a large picture of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The floor to ceiling curtains were in a deep emerald green, brushing the dark hardwood floors. Black leather chairs sit before the desk facing the man that gives you butterflies when you lock eyes with him.

"Sweet Pea," you say softly standing awkwardly a few paces into the room. He sits there staring at you for a moment as if he's in a trance before he gets up from behind the desk and makes to walk towards you. He's wearing a pair of black slacks with a deep emerald green button up shirt the sleeves rolled up around his forearms.

"(Nick Name)..." he says breathlessly as he reaches you and pulls you into a hug.

You look up into his eyes when he pulls back, the same brown eyes you had gazed into under the stars so many times. The same eyes that would hold your gaze tenderly after you made love. The same eyes that shed tears when you had to end it.

"You look amazing..."

"You do too! Green is a good color on you..." you say with a soft smile.

"Thanks," he says as he continues to look down at you, "So I heard something happened?"

You don't miss the hard edge to his voice as he asks the question.

"Yeah... I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time...Nothing too serious..."

"Did they hurt you?" there was the deadly calm you had heard hundreds of times before. Sweet Pea protected his own...

"No... I just got scared a little... They recognized me Pea... They saw my face and they were terrified..."

He heaved a sigh and motioned for you to follow him. You did so, following him out a door to the side you hadn't noticed before. He takes you down a small hallway until you get to a small sitting room and he motions for you to take a seat on the black leather couch.

"Do you still like white wine?" he asks casually over his shoulder.

"Yes, I do actually."

He just nods before he turns towards you with a glass in his hand and hands it to you.

You nod your thanks and take a sip sitting it down on the coffee table before you.

"You want to know why they were so scared of you..."


He sighs and runs his hands through his perfectly styled hair and you want to run your fingers through it as well. Even after all these years you're still attracted to him...

'Stop it!' you chide yourself, 'he's probably married or has some gorgeous girlfriend or...'

"I put you on a list to protect when things with the Serpents began to get big. It's essentially an agreement that you are off limits to anyone wanting to get to me."

"We haven't spoken in years..." you say taking a sip of your drink to calm your nerves, "Why would you put me on the list... Surely..." you feel your head start to spin a little.

"Surely," you say ignoring it, "You have someone else that should be on the...list..."

He let out a bitter laugh, "You are the only woman I've ever really loved... I always hoped..."

"Hoped what?" you gasp out as you blink your eyes.

"That I would be good enough for you and you would come back to me..."

"Sweets... you were... always... good en-ough..." With the last word out of your mouth you pass out onto the sofa.

Sweet Pea casually gets out of the chair he had sat down in and walks over to your prone form. He moves a stray strand of hair out of your face and gently picks you up and walks from the room and down the hallway.

"She's going to be pissed..." Fangs says as he leans against the wall outside of the door his arms crossed over his chest. When Sweet Pea passes him, he casually pushes himself off of the wall and keeps pace next to his best friend and boss.

"Better pissed than dead..." Sweet Pea replys back as he casually walks down the hallway.  

Credits to: In Your Wildest Dreams (

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