Secret Vows - Part 1/2

Start from the beginning

Sliding to the right to answer the call, I slowly raised my phone to my ear.


"Hello this is Riverdale General Hospital. We have a Y/F/N Y/L/N here, she's been involved in a collision and you were her emergency contact. Do you know her?"

I felt my heart stop as the unfamiliar voice spoke to me through the phone. My hand dropping as my jaw hung low, I was in complete shock.

"Pea?" Toni looked at me in concern, but I couldn't bring myself to speak, I could hear the muffled voices coming from the phone asking if I was still there, but I couldn't respond. I was frozen. My phone was taken from my hand as Toni began talking to the receptionist.

After what felt like forever, but in reality, was a matter of seconds, I shot up from my seat, knocking it over as I did so and ran out of the bar, ignoring the calls of my name from my friends and hearing Toni telling Hog Eye to watch the bar as they chased behind me, but it was too late, I was already on my bike speeding out of the parking lot before they could catch up to me.

I didn't bother putting on my helmet as I sped through the streets of Riverdale towards the hospital, dismissing any speeding laws that I was most likely breaking as I did so. My mind was on nothing but my wife, my poor wife who lay alone in a hospital bed. I didn't want to imagine how she looked right now but I couldn't help the picture of her battered and bruised that was so prominent in my mind. A few tears fell from my eyes, I could say it was the pressure from the wind that was against me, but I'd be lying, I was completely terrified. Terrified that I would become a widow before anyone even knew that I was a husband.


Arriving at the hospital, I didn't even bother kicking the stand of my motorcycle down, simply letting it fall to the ground as I rushed inside the main doors, scanning the hundreds of signs searching for one that would lead me in the direction of my life. I pulled at my hair as I read them, the words becoming a blur as the panic set in. I was so lost in my own panic that I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt a familiar hand rest on my shoulder, another on my back.

"Accident and emergency... that's probably the best place to look". I looked down at my pink haired friend before letting them direct me in the right direction. It was then that the tears fell again, and I didn't even bother trying to stop them. This was the most broken I had been in front of my friends, but there was no way I could hide the dread I was feeling that moment.

The corridor went on for miles, at least that's what it felt like. The faint cries and coughs coming from the wards that we passed causing an uneasy feeling in my stomach. When we eventually reached the emergency room, the line for the desk was too long for comfort, I had to fight the urge to push past everybody else and it's as if Toni and Fangs could sense it, as their grips on me tightened almost simultaneously but truth be told, even if I was going to, I don't think I had the energy to. The life had drained out of me as soon as I saw my phone ringing.

As we reached second in line, a woman was bought in on a stretcher, her body bruised. My eyes widened, I knew it wasn't my wife, her hair wasn't as glossy as my wife's is. Her skin not as golden from the tan she had from our beach vacation just last week. Her eyes not as bright and full of life as my wife's... a terror surged through my body. What if that brightness and life has been removed from her. What if she is unrecognisable, no matter how so, she will always be beautiful to me, but she will forever be miserable herself.

My breathing began to become uncontrollable as I thought about the pain that she was in, she was somewhere in this building and I didn't know, and that was killing me from the inside out.

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