That's when I got my phone out. 

#Unknown: Hope your phone is okay. I got them from the police and got it into your pocket safely. Don't worry, I didn't do anything... I just needed you to have your phone back. I know you have your phone back for a while now, but I was only able to explain everything now. Your phone is no longer trackable and your dad won't be able to find you. Now... I need you to remember or find out who are in the video's I gave you. I need you to know Nabi. Find out quickly. - E

E is back? It seems like he wants to help me but he is also not telling me which would be a lot easier. Or doesn't he know either? "Nabi! Can you come help?!" Taeyang yelled from the kitchen. "Yea Sure!" I yelled back as I walked into the kitchen. "Can you cut the avocados?" Taeyang asked. "Of course I can. But if I am going to is another question" I joked around. Taeyang gave me an are-you-serious-face. "Okay okay okay. I'll cut the avocados" I laughed. He laughed a little too.

Taeyang and I had eaten. I was sitting on the couch and was watching some tv. "Nabi. I'll be out for a bit. I don't think you'll see me again before you go to bed. So goodnight" Taeyang said. "Okay, goodnight" I answered, and right after, the door closed. It didn't take me long to go to bed. I found a room which I assumed was okay for me to sleep in. I was so tired that I just fell on the bed and closed my eyes. What was I beginning to feel for Taeyang? And were it even feelings that were good?

At 4 am I got a call. I woke up. It was hard for me to open my eyes and look at my phone. I still answered anyway.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Nabi. It's me, Zuho"

"Zuho? Why would you call me? You hate me and it's 4 am" I said almost angry and annoyed.

"Listen to me. Taeyang told me to keep an eye on the house. He doesn't want you to be alone anymore. He got a text message. Saying that they would come and kill the one he cares about. They weren't talking about us Nabi, they were talking about you" Zuho explained.

"So?" I asked.

"He went to handle them. It was a distraction. They're at the front gate and they are about to get in. You need to hide Nabi. They're here to kill you" Zuho said.

"I-I-I" I started to panic.

"Stay calm. I know I hate you but if you die, I die. HIDE" Zuho said before hanging up.


I shot off the bed and ran to the kitchen to grab a knife. Where to hide, where to hide, where to hide? I was debating for so long where I was going to hide. The front door shot open. I hid around the corner, holding the knife close to my body. I am not going to die now. Taeyang was wrong, I will be able to survive his world. I have to prove it to him. I'm an agent for the KAOI damn it. I heard footsteps come inside. I got a text message. I was lucky enough I had it on silent or this person would've killed me.

#Unknown: Stall or keep hiding. Taeyang is on his way - Zuho

Taeyang is on the way. He'll save me if something goes wrong, right? I heard some noises from outside so I looked out the window of the kitchen. Taeyang's men and the infiltrators were fighting hard. Did Taeyang really order them to keep me safe?

"Nabi. I know you're here. There is no point in hiding. If you come out now I won't kill you... the second I see you. you'll have a chance to talk" The man said. I was shaking. Stall... I could stall by talking to him. I put the knife in the strap of my bra, in the right way so it wouldn't cut me. I took a deep breath and turned around the corner. "I'm here," I said while looking at the man who was looking at the stairs.

The man smiled evilly and walked my way. I backed up slowly until I hit the kitchen counter. "Wise girl. I'm sorry Taeyang can't save you right now. I'm afraid I sent him a different way" The man said. "You'll pay when you kill me," I said. "Is that so?" The man said while caressing my cheek with the loop of his gun. "Yes. You won't get away with it. Taeyang will find you and kill you" I said. "You do have the courage I'll give you that. Sadly enough I'll have to kill you. Taeyang took my brother, I'll take what he loves" The man said. "You misunderstand. He doesn't love me, he's just letting me live with him to recover and until I find my own place" I said. "Wrong. We got info about him saying you were his" The man said. The fight department. They have a mole. "I don't love him," I said with a trembling voice. "You seem to hesitate, little girl," The man said. "I don't love him," I said with a more convincing voice. "Sadly enough, I don't believe you," He said while aiming the gun to my head. I carefully open the drawer I was leaning against. "Say your final words kid," He said. "Burn in hell," I said while grabbing another knife as quickly as I could and stabbed the hand he was holding the gun with.

I ran out of the kitchen when he fired a bullet. I don't know whether it flew somewhere or hit me somewhere. I was too focussed on surviving than if I had pain. "LITTLE B*TCH" I heard the man yell. I heard footsteps come after me. I locked myself in the room I was sleeping in. Please Taeyang... please come save me.

After 5 minutes, he found me. He kicked the door a few times and walked in. "Please, please don't kill me" I cried. "I have something else to do before I kill you," He said. He grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed. He came to hover over me. "No no no. Please don't do this. I did nothing wrong" I cried. He didn't answer me and ripped my shirt apart. The knife I had hidden in the strap of my bra fell next to my head on the bed. I was struggling to get out of his grip. He had pinned my hands next to my head.

"Now, let's have some fun"

End of this chapter. I know this was a little serious. Don't worry.

Who do you guys think E is?

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