Empire (SweetVee) NSFW

Start from the beginning

Two days after moving to Riverdale, Veronica waltzed into the Whyte Wyrm attached to the arm of Betty Cooper, Jughead's other half. His jaw had literally hit the floor and his heart had started to race when he saw the feisty girl from a descent of riches, he knew that he had to take a chance and see if she'd comply with his flirtatious advances.

Thankfully, the pair had hit it off immediately and within a month were dating which was to the utter dismay of her parent's who quickly disowned her and forced her to choose who she wanted to stay with, Veronica easily chose Sweet Pea and she lived with him at Sunnyside trailer park until they had enough money to move somewhere more spacious.

From then on they shared every adventure, they got their first apartment with some savings and two years to the day they met, they got engaged and were married within six months, it was only a ceremony at city hall but they didn't care.

Veronica's Abuelita sadly passed away four years ago and left Veronica a healthy inheritance, she decided she wanted to leave Riverdale and make a new life in San Francisco with her love, and they did just that. Sweet Pea left the Serpents and Veronica waved farewell to her family, they kissed and hugged their friend's goodbye and left for San Francisco.

After a year of living there, Veronica and Sweet Pea decided that they could make their own company and they did, it was hugely successful and they lived very comfortably which Sweet Pea had never dreamed of being able to do.

But here he was, he was literally living the dream with a gorgeous woman he called his wife, they had a luxurious home and huge empire.

"We'll look over them together later, baby." Veronica decided, reaching over him to exit out of the company's emails and send the iMac to sleep. "It's just work, nothing worth stressing over." She laughed and moved around his chair to slip down onto his knee, she ran her fingers through his hair and Sweet Pea's chocolate eyes momentarily closed behind his thick, rimmed glasses.

"Where have you been all morning? I've barely seen you." He commented, his long arms coming to wrap around her small waist and bring her further onto his lap.

"Here, there and everywhere." Veronica giggled and kissed him again, she nipped his bottom lip and he groaned. "Why? Have you missed me?" She inquired against his lips, one of her hands drifting down his chest and coming to fiddle with a button on his grey, tailored shirt.

Sweet Pea's body reacted to her touch quickly, she was hard to resist.

"Stop." He warned after she'd sucked the little wound from her bite, she was in the mood to play and he could tell by the devilish glint in her eyes.

"Make me." She purred into his ear, placing a hot kiss upon the aged ink on his neck that had once tied him to the notorious, biker gang back in Riverdale.

"You asked for it." Sweet Pea replied, reaching around her to blindly feel for a familiar item on his desk.

When he eventually found what he was looking for which happened to be a remote that operated the blinds and flow of air conditioning, he simply pressed the correct button and the blinds to his office began to descend over all of the glass windows and conceal them from the eyes of their staff.

Their employees weren't stupid by any means, they knew what the married couple were up to and they'd had sex in the office many times before when they were too desperate to wait until they were in the comfort of their own home to make love.

They both had insatiable, sexual appetites and fucked raw each time they had sex, they could never get enough of each other and craved the touch of one another almost 24/7. There were days when Veronica would go without underwear beneath her skirts and it would drive Sweet Pea mad, on each occasion she'd done this to rile him up, he'd ended up eating her pussy, whether it be on a desk or with her pressed against a stall in the bathrooms, a leg over his shoulder and her own hand covering her mouth to muffle her cries as she came.

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