Hungry Eyes // Date Night Prompt // NSFW

Start from the beginning

"Let's go, we need to meet Fangs and Jodie."

"You'll be the death of me, Rosie." He mumbled, scowling while trying to hide the bulge in his tight jeans.

You'd think we'd have chosen to go to a movie or maybe even out for dinner, but no; we'd chosen to go to the Whyte Wyrm with Fangs and Jodie where we'd probably just hang out.

We walked to the bar as it was only a few minutes away from the trailer park and the minute we walked in we were hollared and wolf whistled at by our friends, they whooped at our arrival.

"You guys honestly look like the most badass couple ever." Jodie told us, leaning against the bar with a drink in her hand while Sweet Pea dispersed with Fangs to no doubt play some pool.

"It feels great to be back in pre pregnancy clothes."

"I can't believe how fast you lost your baby weight." She told me, looking me up and down.

"I didn't gain that much when I got pregnant, I lost abit of weight from the morning sickness too. Plus, I had a tiny baby." I defended.

"I guess so, you're a smoke show! It feels like forever since we've done this, you know."

"It feels weird to be out, I'm an anxiety attack away from going to my Mom's to go get the baby." I sighed, hopping onto a bar stool next to her.

"You needed to be away from her at some point, it's not like your Mom wouldn't call you if something was up." Jodie shrugged, taking a sip of her drink.

"I know, I know." I sighed, resting my chin on my palm. "Sweets said the same thing."

"Toni, make Rosie a drink! She needs to let her hair down and loosen up!" She yelled at Toni who was working behind the bar, making up different concoctions for the serpents.

"You got it!" She hollared back, grabbing a glass.

"The last time I loosened up and let my hair down, I got pregnant." I laughed, crossing my legs and pulling on the sleeves of Sweet Pea's biker jacket just as Toni slid a drink over to me. I recognised it as rum and coke, I took a small sip and hummed. "Not bad."

"Come on, let's go find the boys." Jodie suggested, taking my hand and tugging me off the stool. She pushed through the crowd of serpents, leading the way to the pool table that had the same emblem etched into the felt as the one currently on my back.

Fangs and Sweet Pea were laughing amongst themselves, pool cues in hand as they prepared to start a game. I removed my hand from Jodie's and headed over to Sweet Pea, wrapping my arm around his waist and he ceased his conversation with Fangs to lean down and kiss my temple.

"That look suits you, Rosie." Fangs told me, his eyes scanning over my all black attire and the jacket.

"Don't get too used to seeing it, I'll be back in leggings and covered in baby sick tomorrow." I laughed, leaning around Sweet Pea to put my drink on a table they'd claimed.

"I say we play a game, girls against boys." Jodie spoke, motioning towards the table.

"So we can thrash you? Sure, why not?" Fangs teased his girlfriend, throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"I say Sweets and I against you two, losers have to do a line of shots." I interjected, Sweets straightened up and smirked because he knew we'd win against them.

"Fine, let's do this." Jodie shrugged, grabbing us both a pool cue and taking her place by Fangs.

"You can shoot first, we'll let you have a head start." Sweet Pea teased, moving to stand behind me with his hand resting on my hip.

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