Going Home

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Going Home

After five days in the hospital, after surgery, Lynnette was released to go home. The doctors had set up a visiting nurse to come once a week to check on Lynnette's incisions. Steven and Edith were taught how to care for the colostomy bag and the doctor felt confident they could care for her.

Granny and Grampy were waiting at the house with Katherine. Her little face lit up like Christmas when she saw her mommy and daddy. Granny sat her down and Katherine ran to Steven. "Daddy!" She yelled as Steven scooped her up in his arms.

"My Angel!" Hugging her close. "I missed you!"

"Missed more! Mommy?"

"I'm right here, baby!"

"Mommy!!! Daddy, down." She demanded.

"Let's get mommy in bed first, OK? Mommy has a big boo-boo on her tummy,,," Tickling Katherine's tummy. "We don't want to hurt mommy, do we?"

"No." Katherine shook her head fast.

"I careful. I pomise." Katherine said as she held tightly to Steven's neck. "I love you, daddy!"

Lynnette got out of the car with her father's help. She watched how Steven and Katherine interacted. No matter how many times she sees them together, it melts her heart each time. She never sees Rice when she looks at her husband and HIS daughter. Katherine IS Steven's!

After getting Lynnette upstairs and settled into bed, Steven let Katherine crawl up beside her mommy. They snuggled. Lynnette missed that. Between studying for Finals and having surgery, it felt like she hadn't seen Katherine for months!

"Ahhh!" Lynnette sighed. "It's good to be in my own bed! Are you sure the school will give us an extension on taking finals?"

"Yes. Someone from the school will be here next Friday to over-see the tests. I guess being in LA, "Unexpected circumstances" happen a lot. "That's sad when you think about it. Why is it so hard for men to control themselves? Why can men be like you, dad, your dad, and Grampy?!

"I don't know, love. That would be the million-dollar question for Nature over Nurture!" Steven then crawled up behind Lynnette and held his wife and daughter. "All I do know is that I would murder for the two of you. Anyone that would hurt you or Katherine, would be lucky to see another day!"

<<knock, knock>> A light tap came from their bedroom door. Peeking in the room, Edith asks, "Are you hungry, sweetheart?"

"Not really, mom. Could you get me a glass of milk? I need to take these pills with food or milk."

"Sure thing! Katherine... come help Mammy and Pap!"

Katherine kissed Lynnette's leg where her head had been. Steven went to get off the bed, too, but she grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes and said "stay."

It was the only word she needed to say and for him to hear. Edith brought up the glass of warm milk and left immediately. Lynnette then got comfortable and spooned into Steven.

"We really haven't talked about the rape." Yup... she just said the forbidden word!

"what do you want to say, love?" Whispering in her ear and trying to control his emotions over her saying the 'R' word.

"I had a breakthrough on Thanksgiving. I don't want HIM to have this control over my body anymore. I want that control. I want my husband to be able to touch me without my anxiety building up." She started crying. "I want to feel what I felt when you held me in the shower. I don't want this guilt of not allowing my husband, MY HUSBAND, to take me in his arms and make love to me."

"I understand, love. Whenever you are ready, just know how tender I will be. You will always have the control with me. You will decide if I start or when you have had enough." Now he started crying.

"Will you touch me now?"

"Lynnette?... I... I can't. You... you just had major surgery!"

"From the waist up. Like you did in the shower. Only here in bed and I don't want you to tell me each move you make. I want to really experience your touch and not have to be prepared each step of the way."

More tears began to fall silently down Steven's cheeks. How could he deny her? How could he deny his wife's pleas? She wants security that only he can provide. The only security his hands and body can provide. "OK."

"Kiss me, touch me..." She couldn't finish herwords because Steven started kissing her neck.

Tizanidine Dreams: Collegiate Love; UndergradsWhere stories live. Discover now