Mammaw and Pappaw

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Mammaw and Pappaw

School resumed for the couple. Lynnette and Katherine spent many nights with Steven, either at her home or his place. Byron and Edith allowed Steven to sleep over in Lynnette's room as well. After the holidays, Steven and Lynnette's parents started talking over the phone weekly. Byron and Edith were informed of what happened at Thanksgiving after New Year's. The couple weren't hiding anything, they just wanted to have a calm Christmas. When they were told about Lynnette's nightmares, they understood better and the role Steven played to keep that demon away.

Spring Break was upon them. Paul and Pauline wanted the kids to come back to California and they insisted Katherine come this time! Even if they didn't want to take Katherine on a plane, the Pennington's gave them no choice.

It was Wednesday before Easter. Their flight landed safely at LAX at 9am. The Pennington's had been waiting at the gate with a stroller for Katherine and a bouquet of roses for Lynnette.

"Wow!" Steven felt slighted. "I see how you are. Katherine gets a new stroller, Lynnette gets flowers, and what do I get?"

Without missing a beat, Paul, Pauline, and Lynnette say in unison, "the luggage!"

They all bust out laughing. Soon they were all hugging and Pauline reaches for Katherine. "Come here Angel. Mammaw is gonna eat you up!"

"Mammaw?" Lynnette questioned.

"My family is southern. Paul's too."

"I...I know..." Starting to tear up, Lynnette tried to hold them back but the tears had a mind of their own.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweety. Did I say something wrong?" Concerned she may have overstepped her bounds with Katherine.

"No." <<sniff>> "You said everything right. I just wasn't prepared for her to have two sets of grandparents." She was still sniffing and wiping her tears with her sleeve.

"I guess you're stuck with them now. Just like me!" Steven said as he gave her a side hug and kissed her temple.

"I guess that makes us a lucky trio." She answered with a smile.

He family made their way to baggage claim. As instructed, all Lynnette brought for Katherine was the diaper bag and a couple outfits in case of emergency on the flight. Paul and Pauline had cleared their day so the whole family could go shopping for Katherine and Easter outfits for the whole family. As expected, they had gone to a high end boutique for all of Katherine's clothes. Steven noticed the stress on Lynnette's face and pulled her back a bit.

"What's wrong, love?'

"The clothes. They cost too much. Couldn't we go to a K-Mart, Penney's or Sears?"

"My parents won't have it. They fully intend to spoil Katherine... you too."


"Love, I already tried to talk them out of it. Ver batem...'This is our daughter-in-law and first grandchild. Only the best for them.'"

"My parents don't live beyond their means. I's one of the reasons I have a Trust. They have a nice nest egg for when and if they retire. They want to do this for you. They love you both so much. You are already a part of our family. Face it, like I said, you're stuck with us!"

"OK" Lynnette sighed in concession. "I'm just not used to this, so you know. If we ever get married... K-Mart, Penney's, Sears!!! I'm putting my foot down!"

"Anything your heart desires, I will give you!"

After a small fortune was spent on Katherine, it was Lynnette's turn. Walking down the street, they passed a bridal boutique. Lynnette stopped suddenly when she saw the most beautiful wedding dress ever. Pauline noticed it too. Speaking barely above a whisper, "That could be mine." But Pauline heard her.

Steven noticed she had stopped and called out to her, "You coming?"

"Yeah", he brought her out of a daze, and she caught up with the rest of the family.

Six hours later, eight stores to find the perfect Easter outfits, lunch, and ice-cream; Lynnette was thankful to be back in the car and heading to the Pennington home. Katherine was knocked out in her car seat. Pauline had ordered the same on that Lynnette has. Katherine was instantly comfortable and fell asleep as soon as she was fastened in. when they reached the house, Pauline had Katherine in her arms before Lynnette could even get out of the car.

"Well, this will be an easy week for me!
" Lynnette joked as Pauline walked into the house.

"I told you, love. They are grandparents now."

Just like at Thanksgiving, Lynnette was in Steven's room and the bedroom across the hall was remade into a nursery for Katherine. Lynnette was floored. When Pauline told her she had everything covered, she wasn't expecting all of ... THIS! Lynette stood in the doorframe and shook her head. A crib replaced the bed. A changing table loaded with diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, the closet was revamped to house all of Katherine's new clothes and roses were on the new wallpaper... in pinks and purples.

"Grandparents" Was all she could say.

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