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After the Thanksgiving Day fiasco, Steven decided to take Lynnette to Disneyland for the remainder of the weekend. Paul and Pauling reserved a room for them and waved to kids off. Lynnette had no idea where they were going.

"So... you had me pack my stuff up, but we aren't going back to Ohio yet?"

"Nope! It's a surprise!'

"Can you give me a clue?"

"You'll be able to let your hair down, relax, and just be a kid."

"I can't be a kid. I'm a mom... ... ..." As if a lightning rod struck her... "Are we going to Disneyland?!?!?!?"

"Yeah. Mom and dad got us a room at the resort. We have two nights there and three days. Well, two and a half days, to do whatever your heart wants. It's all on me."

Taking her hand, he brings it to his lips, "I know I don't have too, but I want to give you the world. In this case, I want to give you Disney's World. It was actually my grandma's idea. She told me to get you away from the house. I guess Grampy did the same thing for her once. Not Disney of course. He wanted her to be able to let her hair down and forget about being a teen mom, if only for a little while."

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Still in disbelief that he could love her.

"Lynnette, I fell in love with you the moment I opened my eyes that day of the crash. My mom has known my feelings toward you, since that very day. Taking you away from the world, if only for a few days, helps you relax? It's a small price to pay... and I would pay a million dollars to see you happy and relaxed."

"Steven, I don't know... about us being alone...in a hotel room...together..."

Steven then stopped her.

"The only thing happening in that room, tonight and tomorrow night, is exactly what happened at my house, in my room. We will sleep, I will hold you close to me, and I will keep those demons away from you."

Lynnette relaxed a little after talking things out with Steven. He always seems to know the right things to say to calm her. Finally allowing herself to believe... Steven really does love her.

Disneyland was everything she expected it to be and more! Lynnette wasn't a mom for three days. She was a teenage, enjoying a weekend with her boyfriend (that she happened to be sharing a hotel room with). She got an autograph book and got just about every character's autograph. Steven had brought his camera and half a dozen rolls of film. He took pictures of Lynnette with Characters and the employees took pictures of them together with the characters.

Just because Lynnette had no motherhood worries, didn't mean she wasn't thinking about Katherine. Steven bought Mouse Ear hats for the three of them with their names embroidered. When they rode Mary Poppin's carousel, steven bought Lynnette and Katherine parasols with their names on them. He even got himself a cane and hat like Bert's. Steven made this a very memorable vacation for Lynnette.

Time definitely flew by. Before she could blink, it was time to drive back to Steven's house. She wasn't expecting the Welcome Wagon of Granny and Grampy... but she loved seeing them again. Granny was in the kitchen with Pauline, drinking coffee, when they arrived home.

"Well... how was your weekend, sweetheart?" Pauline asked as she was hugging her.

"Just what the DOCTOR ordered!" Lynnette playing on the fact that Pauline was a doctor. "But in all honesty, Thank you, Granny. I needed it more than I thought."

"No thanks needed! We survivors need to stick together. Grampy showed me pure and true love, I see the same in Steven and you. He will give you all the time you need. Never forget that."

"Thank you, Granny."

Tizanidine Dreams: Collegiate Love; UndergradsWhere stories live. Discover now