July 1993

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July 1993

Lynnette had started working at a diner in Whitehall. A member of her church lived near and would watch Katherine during Lynnette's shifts. Sandra, a lady in her mid-40's had been friends with the Fletcher's for years and had been considered an Aunt to Lynnette. Sandra's husband was the town's physician and they had become second grandparents to all the children from the church. To Katherine, Sandra would be known as Mimi.

, and Lynnette was taking Katherine to Sandra's before her shift. It was two days before the big fireworks display, Red, White & Boom. While sitting at a red light, Lynnette was hit by a car. First thing she did was to look at the backseat where Katherine was. Her car seat, a gyro-based seat, was rocking back and forth and Katherine was just smiling away. She was unphased by the event. Lynnette then took a mental inventory of herself. She wasn't bleeding, no physical injuries, her neck didn't seem to be injured and the rest of her body seemed to be fine. She then went to check on the driver of the car that hit her.

As she glanced at the front end of her car, she noticed that the left quarte-panel was damaged on her car and that the driver of the other car had his head leaning back against his seat.

"Hey?" Then tapping the man's shoulder, "Hey? Are you ok?

Slowly opening his eyes and looking around, he then seemed to be checking himself for any injuries. Then looking up to Lynnette he asked "Huh"?

"I asked if you are OK. Are you hurt?

Driver, "I don't think so? What happened?"

The airbag had deployed in the man's car. He had been knocked out temporarily. Lynnette tapping his shoulder had brought him back around. It had just taken him a few more seconds to realize where he was.

Driver, "Oh my God! Are YOU ok? Your car? I think my brakes went out. I was trying to avoid a lady crossing the road and I couldn't stop. Is anyone with you in your car?"

"My daughter is in the back seat, she's seems fine, let me call for help."

The drive nodded his head in agreement. He sat in his car and waited for the police to show up. Soon, sirens could be heard from police and an ambulance. Two police cars arrived on scene and then the ambulance showed up. Officers from each car went separately to each car involved. Starting with Lynnette.

Officer 1, "Are you OK, miss?" Then looking in the back seat of the car, "Is the baby OK? She looks like she is sleeping."

Lynnette, "Yes, we seem to be fine. He car seat must have swung her to sleep."

Officer 2, "Is she yours?"

Lynnette, "Yes, Katherine is mine."

Officer 1, "Well, tell us what happened."

Looking around, Lynnette noticed the woman who had crossed the road to cause the whole thing. "That lady over by the bus stop is involved to, you may want to speak with her as well."

The second officer went over to the lady and Lynnette began telling the first officer her account of what happened.

..." then the crash. I immediately checked on Katherine, she was smiling, her seat swinging back and forth. I took a minute to give myself a mental once-over...head, legs, arms, body... you know. I then check the damage to my car and saw the quarter panel was busted, then I went to check on the driver. His window was down and his head laying against the headrest. I tapped his shoulder to arouse him. He woke almost immediately but he was knocked out. It took him a few seconds to realize what had happened. He thinks his brakes failed because that lady over there had begun to cross against the light. He said it was her or the car sitting at the red light, meaning me. I then called 911 and you showed up. That's basically it."

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