Downtown Whitehall

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Downtown Whitehall

It didn't take long to get downtown and find a place to park. Lynnette's Church parking lot had been across the street from the park where families could be setting up their own areas. Steven had help Mr. Fletcher with the coolers and Katherine's stroller. Opening the stroller had seemed second nature to Steven and Mr. Fletcher took notice.

"You look like a natural opening that stroller. Anything you would like to tell me, son?"

"Oh... Oh, nor sir!" shock was written all over Steven's face. "I babysat a lot back home, plus I worked at a daycare before moving out here for school. I PROMISE you, it's not what you may be thinking."

"A boy that babysat AND worked at a daycare> Very unusual!"

"Yes, sir. It is, but I do have a way with kids. My pastor back home always said they would flock to me as if I was Santa."

"Steven, you can call me Barry. I apologize. It's just I am very protective of Lynnette and Katherine. Not because I am a cop."

"It's OK, sir. I'm afraid I wouldn't be comfortable addressing you by your first name. I've only just met you and your family. If I may, though, why such protectiveness?"

"I will let Lynnette tell you when she's ready."

"I understand, sir. I do hope she and I can become close friends through all this."

"Just let everything happen naturally. Don't rush it."

By the time they had finished their conversation, their picnic area had been set. Lynnette then guided Steven around to meet members from her church. He noticed that the only person with a proper title was the minister. Only one other person was given any type of title and that was Aunt Sandy. Though just a good family friend, she thought of Lynnette as a niece.

After the picnic lunch, Lynnette put Katherine in her stroller and showed Steven around downtown. It wasn't much. Some antiques stores, bridal shops, pet store, a few diners, etc. One shop caught Steven's eye. In the window was a simple yet dainty cross necklace. In the center was a London Blue Topaz. Steven asked Lynnette to wait where she was for a moment and that he would be right back.

No less than 5 minutes later, Steven exited the store. Lynnette hadn't noticed that the necklace was no longer in the window display. Steven was now grinning from ear to ear and told Lynnette to turn around.

As he placed the necklace around her neck, he spoke. "Now, please don't take this the wrong way. I saw this and it was calling out to me. I am happy that I crashed into your car because now I have a wonderful friend here in my new home. I guess God gave me the opportunity to have a new friend before school starts."

Lynnette looked at the cross. It was the most beautiful and simplest gift she had ever received.

"Steven, I can't accept this. It's beautiful, but."

"It's from JUST a friend. Nothing more."

"The stone... it's Katherines birthstone." Lynnette spoke shyly.

"Maybe that's why it called out to me. Really though, all I want from you is a friendship. If it develops to more one day, well we'll take that step if it happens. Friends?"

Steven had hope in his eyes. Pleading that Lynnette would consider him a friend, at least.

"Friends!" She spoke as she wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug.

When Lynnette hugged him, tingles crawled all over his body. He felt as if he had arrived home after a long trip. The feeling of soaking in the rays of the sun after a long, sunless winter. He then made a silent vow to himself, "I will do everything in my power to keep this woman safe and happy."

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