July 4, 1993

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July 4, 1993

Whitehall, Ohio was the place to be for Independence Day. Families spent the day at the park and stayed for the biggest fireworks extravaganza: Red, White & Boom that night. It was the safest place to be because everyone would respect each other's areas and everyone else would keep an eye out everyone else. Friends and neighbors could shop, picnic, and wander about.

It had been two days since the accident. Lynnette called Steven once a day to check on him. Today however, she had a different reason to call.

Phone ringing, "Good morning, Lynnette!"

"Good morning, Steven. How are you feeling today?"

"You really don't need to check on me every day, you weren't the one to cause the accident. But I am feeling very well. You?"

"I know, but you are the injured one. I DO have an ulterior motive for my call today."

"Are you asking me out, Ms. Fletcher?" Steven asked jokingly.

"Actually... kinda? Being the 4th of July, I wanted to ask you if you would like to join my family for Red, White & Boom?"

"Hmm. What's that?"

"It's only THE biggest fireworks display in the state! There are picnics, shopping, and people come from all over the state to Whitehall. I figured since you just moved here and away from your family this holiday, you might want to be a part of my family? Maybe make a few new friends?"

"Well... I don't seem to have any other plans. What can I bring?"

"Oh... you don't have to bring anything. My church is having a potluck and there will be WAY too much food to begin with. Pick you up in an hour?"

"Church? This isn't a religious event is it? No offense."

"No! No, it's nothing like that. We just have a big area that members from the church gather around. Kinda like a big family reunion."

"Ok! I'll be ready in an hour. See you then."

"Great! See ya!"

Their call ended. Lynnette was happy that Steven agreed to join her and her family for the day. She was hoping that the accident would lead to a great friendship. She wasn't looking for anything romantic because all she could bring to the table is friendship. Her assault had left her destroyed for romance. She went to find her parents to let them know she invited Steven and would need to pick him up on the way to the park.

"Mom? Dad?" hollering through the house.

"In the kitchen!" Byron and his wife Edith answered together.

"We're feeding Katherine breakfast, sweety. What's up?" Edith responded.

"I just got off the phone with steven. I've invited him to join us for the day. I hope that's OK, plus we would need to pick him up. His family is across the countr..."

Byron cuts her off. "Pumpkin, it's more than OK."

"That's the boy who caused the accident, right?" Edith asked.

"Yes, mom. It wasn't his fault though."

Oh, I know honey. Is he cute?"

"MOM!!! It's not like that! I don't look at him like that, you know this."

"Its OK, Pumpkin. Whenever you are ready to look at a man that way, we will support you. Right now we are just glad you can trust a male to have as a friend."

"I'm just joking with you sweety. I'm not trying to push you... well maybe just a little." Edith states while putting her thumb and index finger about an inch apart.

While Lynnette was talking to her parents, Steven was at his house, talking to his parents in California.

"Mom, the girl I hit just invited me to spend the day with her and her family at the 4th of July event here in town. I'll be meeting more people and some of her church family. I don't think this will go any further than a friendship."

"But you told me you felt something when she came to your car the other day?"

"Yeah, I know I did. But now that I've had some time to think about it, I think it might have just been the shock of the accident."

"You have always had a 6th sense. I wouldn't ignore your initial reaction. You have said many times that things happen for a reason... don't discount this."

"I know. But what about her daughter? She's maybe 6 months old. She must still have something going on with the father. Or at least he's in the picture."

"Has she brought it up when you've talked?"


"So, you've always been good with children. Don't you think she would have brought that subject up in one of your conversations?"

"Maybe. But I've...."

Cutting him off, "You've never dated anyone with a child? I know. But you don't know the circumstances. Take it slow. If something is there between you two, everything will progress naturally."

"I guess, mom. Well, I gotta go. She'll be here shortly. Tell everyone I said hi and I love and miss them. Happy 4th of July!"

"I will son, Love you too, Bye."

Steven hung up the phone and didn't waste a moment to get ready. He packed a blanket and some sweats in his gym bag, as well as his nine. Even though his CCW was for California, he had already signed up for Mr. Fletcher's class starting on Monday. He just had a feeling about tonight that warranted him to bring it with him.

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