The Monster Returns

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The Monster Returns

Lynnette came to, lying on the couch with Steven by her side. When she realized what had happened, she went into a full-blown panic attack. Shaking, crying, screaming "NO, not again!", and looking around frantically for Katherine.

"I have to get out of here! I have to go home, now! He's got Katherine!!"

Pauline went to get Katherine out of her room. She then handed her to Lynnette and continued to monitor he vitals. "Katherine is safe, sweetheart! She was in her room. Safe, I promise you."

Lynnette's blood pressure was way to high. For a while, she thought she may have to have Lynnette admitted to the hospital. She had already called her office to cancel appointments for the day and got a colleague to cover her rounds.

"Steven, we have to get her calmed. Any longer, she could stroke out on us. It wouldn't be good at her age." Pauline was talking to her son as a medical professional, not as a mom.

"I'll try. Where's Thomas?"

"Dad took him upstairs to his room. Can you calm her, or should I make the call?"

"Let me try first but be ready just in case."

Pauline knew what he was referring to. She keeps a sedative in her Go Bag. Paul came back downstairs to see what he could do to help. Steven held his finger up to indicate he wanted his dad to hold on a moment.

"Lynnette, my love?" Steven softly cooed. "Can dad hold Katherine for a minute?"

Still clinging tightly to Katherine.

"Love? She's trying to squirm free. You're holding her a bit too tight. You might hurt her."

Realizing she may hurt her baby, she let gup. "Can dad hold her?" He asked again.

Without saying anything, Paul reached for Katherine. Lynnette broke down crying again.

Steven sat on the couch and brought Lynnette onto his lap and cradled her close. "I've got you, my love. He won't hurt you again. He won't get to Katherine. I promise."

"" Lynnette hiccupped, sobbing between each word. She was no longer in a frantic state. Tears were just falling. "He knows your brother; he has a way in now."

Holding her closely and rocking her, "Mom, dad, me, your parents... we won't let him get near you or Katherine. Now eyeing his dad who is nodding in agreement.

"Sweety?" Paul came to sit next to his son. "He's not smarter than the Pennington's or the Fletcher's. I won't let anything happen to you or my sweet, sweet granddaughter. I promise."

"Are you positive? Are you really sure he can't get to us, dad?"

Paul was touched that she finally called him dad. "I have friends in high places. This is MY area of expertise. This... I can promise."

Noticing that she was visibly calming down, Pauline took her blood pressure again. Smiling and nodding that it was coming down to normal.

"Lynnette, sweetheart, do you think you would be able to get into the car?" Pauline asked.

Lynnette nodded. Not able to speak for the moment. "Steven, I want you to take her and Katherine over to granny's. I'll call and let them know you are on your way." Paul instructed.

Steven just nodded and helped Lynnette stand up and took her to the car while Paul put Katherine and the diaper bag in as well.

"Keep her close, son. You mother and I are going to have a conversation with your brother!"

Tizanidine Dreams: Collegiate Love; UndergradsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora