Family Dinner

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Family Dinner

The rest of the afternoon was relaxing for Lynnette. She showed Steven around and introduced him to many of the residents. She noticed that many more people were smiling and staring at her while pushing Katherine in her stroller and Steven by her side. Everyone knew about the rape; they knew and respected Lynnette's decision to keep the baby. They admired her strength through it all. With the help of the community and her church, she still managed to maintain her 4.6 GPA and become Class of 1993 Valedictorian.

Her assailant, Jeffrey Rice, was arrested within thirty days of the assault. Her attention to detail led the police to him rather quickly. Even his trial and sentencing were rather quick. As far as she knew, he would be behind bars for at least 20 years. It was just over a year, so she was able to relax today and have fun.

After an afternoon of getting to know each other a little better, it was time for dinner. The potluck orchestrated by het church had begun. Typical food you would see at any church gathering, Lynnette had helped her mom make macaroni and potato salad. Edith's was always the talk of the town. Even Bill, Lynnette's boss has tried many times to get her to sell her recipe or come into his diner and make it.

"Mom? Why is everyone staring at me today?"

"Probably because of Steven, Sweety. He is a genuinely nice young man. Cute too!" Edith wiggled her brows at that.

"MOM!!! He's only a friend!"

"A friend that gives you jewelry after 2 Days?"

"He explained that to me. He thinks the accident happened because he needed a friend; and the crash was the opportunity."

"But boys don't give jewelry to JUST friends, Sweety."

"Maybe he was brought up differently."

"Yes, that's a possibility. I saw your dad talking to him earlier. Why don't you get his opinion?" I'll take Katherine for a while. Go have some fun!"

Lynnette nodded in agreement and went to look for her dad. She found him talking to the minister, Reverend Bloodsworth. They seemed deep in conversation, so Lynnette went wandering to the swing set. She hadn't been on one since before her assault. As she was swinging slowly, her best friend Becca came up in front of her; so, she wouldn't scare her. That's one of many things that changed since the assault. Her family and friends had become conscious about.

1.Don't come up behind her and place your hand on her shoulder. You will get kicked or punched.

2.Never say the word rape. Any other word that can be found in the thesaurus is OK.

3.Never be alone in a dark room. Some type of light must be on.

4.When she is asleep, do not wake her up unless the house is on fire. Katherine excluded.

"Hey Lynnette! How are you? I heard about the crash."

"Hey Becca. I'm good. My car on the other hand... not too good."

"Will it be fixable? The other driver had insurance; I hope?"

"Yes, and yes. No major damage. The driver that hit me is actually with us today."

"That's who you have been walking around with? "

"Yeah, He just moved her to start school next month. He's going to OSU, too."

"Wow! He's kinda cute... in a nerdy way."

"Eh. I guess. I don't really pay attention. He's alone out here. I thought it would be nice to reach out and be friendly."

The two girls rattled on with each other for a while. Lynnette had missed her best friend and herself gossiping and talk of future. Becca earned an Athletic Scholarship to the University of Tennessee. Coach Summit was pregnant at the time of Becca's signing of intent. After the signing ceremony, Coach went into labor. She told her staff that she needed to leave immediately because she wasn't going to have her baby born a "Yankee". Everyone laughed as Coach left the auditorium.

Becca decided to get up and went to hug Lynnette. That's when she noticed the necklace.

"That's new!" Pointing to the necklace.

"Yeah, I just got it."

Becca nodded her head. She sensed her friend didn't want to talk more about it. She just hugged her and said she would see her later.

Lynnette went to stand from the swing when someone put a hand on her shoulder. Adrenaline and fight or flight kicked in for Lynnette. In an instant he had her hand balled into a fist, turned around and landing a right hook on the intended target.

"Hey! What was that for?" Steven yelled through his hands; that were now cupping his face.

"OH MY GOD! Steven. I am so sorry. I didn't know it was you."

"Well, at least I know you can defend yourself."

"I really am sorry. I just that way when someone comes up to me from behind."

"It's all good, Lynnette. But why so jumpy? To this extreme, I mean."

"It's not something I really talk about. Give me some time. I'll tell you then."

"OK. I just came over because your dad said he thought you were looking for him."

"Thanks. I was but he was talking to the minister. I didn't want to interrupt."

She placed her hand on Steven's forearm. Goosebumps immediately popped up all over her body and she quickly withdrew her hand.

"I really am sorry for punching you. For future reference though, I don't like when people do that. They usually end up injured from my right hook."

Steven pointed to his temple, indicting he won't forget anytime soon. As Lynnette was walking toward her dad, he couldn't help but wonder "what happened to this Angel to make her react like that? An why does my body react to her touch that makes me want to protect her?"

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