Over the River and Through the Woods

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Over the River and Through the Woods

Steven pulled into granny's drive half an hour later. Lynnette had calmed down completely. Katherine had fallen asleep. Still hold her hand he looked to Lynnette. "Feeling any better?"

"A little. Are you sure granny is OK with us dropping by?"

"Mom called her as soon as we got in the car. She's expecting us. I wouldn't be surprised if grampy wasn't calling mom now to let her know we arrived."

"II don't want to impose..."

"We aren't my love. She loves when we come to visit her. Now she has two granddaughters to visit her! Come on, I'll get Katherine."

Lynnette couldn't help but to admire how relaxed and natural Steven looked with a diaper bag on his shoulder and Katherine in his arms. He just doted on her, just like the rest of his family. She really had been sent this gift from God. She just asks him for continuous blessings.

As soon as the entered granny's house, she flew right past Lynnette and took Katherine from Steven's arms. "Give me my great grandbaby!" Needless to say, neither one of them were expecting that (Yeah right... They totally expected it!)!

"Hello to you too, granny!" Lynnette playfully huffed!

"Oh... Hello dears. I was just excited to have some one-on-one time with my great granddaughter! Of course I'm excited to have my new granddaughter here too. You too, Steven."

"What about me, granny?" Steven pouted, feeling left out. "And she's your only granddaughter!"

"Yes, yes. I'm glad to see you too, Steven. Come on. Come in and have a seat." Granny exclaimed as she set Katherine on the floor with some new toys. "Have you kids had any breakfast? I can whip something up for you. Chocolate chip pancakes anyone?"

"That sounds wonderful, granny." Lynnette sighed. "we were kinda rushed out of the house. Want some help?"

"No, no. No dear, you rest. I can manage. But you can come on into the kitchen and we can chat while I am making them!"

Looking to Steven to make sure he would keep an eye on Katherine, he nodded and Lynnette Joined granny. "I would really appreciate that.

"I... am gonna take Katherine... to find grampy!" Steven picked her up and swung her around.

The ladies nodded in acknowledgement and turned toward the kitchen. Lynnette popped up on a stool at the counter and remained silent while granny pulled out the ingredients.

"So... what do you want to talk about, sweety?"

Sighing, "I don't know. Nothing...everything."

"Well... here's an easy question for you to answer. How are things with you and Steven?"

"Perfect! I am so blessed that he crashed into my car that day."

"And in Other areas?"

"Still intact! I haven't asked for his virtue yet."

"Good! I realize times are different, but I am not one to judge, my dear. But... if something should arise..." Granny finished with a shrug of her shoulders.

"GRANNY!" Lynnette was mortified.

"What? Just saying that times have changed. I wouldn't look at you two any different. So long as it's something you both want at the same time."

"It's not that I don't want it to happen, it's just that I still can't wrap my head around allowing that happen to my body yet."

"When the timing is right, it will happen."

The women continued to talk about everything, except for the reason for the impromptu visit. Lynnette was grateful for granny; she didn't push Lynnette to talk of things that would dredge up hurtful memories.

Lynnette was comfortable with everyone in Steve's family, except Thomas. Granny sensed that she was tensing up.

"Ready to talk about it?"

With a long sigh, "I just don't know granny."

"It really does help. I would know."

"I know. What did mom tell you?"

"Just that you needed to get out of the house, and I was the best person, next to Steven of course, that you could be around."

"Thomas showed up this morning. Calling me a whore, again. Only this time he called me a gold-digger."

"Is that all?"

"No... ... ... He knows the guy that assaulted me."

"What? How?

"I don't know? I heard him say "Rice", then I was waking up on the couch with mom taking my blood pressure and checking my pulse. Dad said he has friends in high places to make sure Katherine and I will be safe."

"OH... he does, sweety! He really does. He's the best Family Law lawyer in the state. He even holds practicing licenses in other states as well."

"What can he do? Can he help me to disappear? Give me and Katherine new names? That seems to be the only way to make sure Rice doesn't find us."

"You'd be surprised what my son can do!"

The conversation went on. Soon the phone rang. It was Pauline calling to check on the kids and to let granny know that she and Paul were on their way over... ... with Thomas.

Steven and grampy walked in the kitchen as granny hung up the phone. "I guess I should make some food. Paul, Pauline, and Thomas are on their way."

"Why in the hell is Thomas coming too?" Realizing he cursed, he immediately corrected himself. "Sorry granny. Did mom say anything else?"

"No. just that the three of them were on their way."

"I got coffee duty." Grampy said.

Lynnette tensed up again. Steven put Katherine down and she walked over to granny. "Uppy, uppy." She asked granny. Steven went to embrace Lynnette.

"Mom and dad know what they are doing. If Thomas is with them, don't fret too much. I'll just knock him out again if I have to."

"Again?" Granny asked.

"Yeah" Hanging his head in shame. "I sort of landed a right hook and knocked him out this morning, after he said he knew Rice and called Lynnette some horrible names."

Granny and grampy both laughed. This also made Lynnette laugh as well, since she was unconscious when it happened in the first place.

"Why did I have to pass out? I would have loved to see that. Did he lose any teeth?" Lynnette perked up a bit.

"Don't know. I guess we'll find out when he gets here."

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