Try Again

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Try Again

Steven didn't get a chance to make the couch into a bed. He and Lynnette fell asleep in the hospital bed, together, in each other's arms. Rose had checked in every two hours, replaced her I.V. bag twice. She was as quiet as she could be and admired the love shown from the young couple.

At 7am, the morning nurse was apprised of the situation in Lynnette's room. The nurse, May, was young and new. She followed the rules to a "T". "What do you mean they slept in the bed together all night? That's against the rules!"

"May, when you've been here for as long as Rachel and I have, you know when you can bend the rules. First off, she's only here for observation and tests. Second, she was raped, and they haven't even consummated the marriage yet. And finally... She is Dr. Pennington's daughter-in-law. Rachel and I checked throughout the night. He just held her in his sleep. I think she rested better for it, in my opinion." Rose chastised May.

"Well, doctor's family or not, you shouldn't have let it happen. But, I guess, as long as nothing happened, I should take this as a learning experience, and let it slide. Thank you for the lesson." May replied.

The breakfast trays were being delivered, Rose and May went to Lynnette's room together to wake them up and check vitals. May introduced herself as her nurse for the day.

"Good morning, Mr. Pennington." Rose said quietly, trying to wake Steven. She had to repeat herself by gently shaking his arm this time.

"Huh?" Looking at the nurse. "Oh! I'm sorry. We just fell asleep. I promise!"

"I know, Steven. I checked throughout the night. You looked too peaceful to wake." Rose answered. "Breakfast will be here shortly. I need to check your wife's vitals."

"Oh... yeah, Ok... Lynnette, love? Time to wake up honey."

"Huh?" Slowly Lynnette opened her eyes. "What time is it?" She said with a yawn. Then she realized that she fell asleep in Steven's arm... all night long. Now she was wide awake, "Oh my God! I... I sw... swear..."

"It's OK, Lynnette. I know, I checked throughout the night. Breakfast will be here soon, and I need to check your vitals. This is May. She'll be your nurse for the day."

Steven got up and stretched his legs while Lynnette was being attended to. He went to the bathroom and washed his face really quick. When he came back out, his mom had arrived, and Lynnette was waiting to go in.

"Good morning, mom!" Giving Pauline a peck on the cheek.

"Good morning, honey. Sleep well?" She questioned knowingly.

"Yes we did!" He answered and just left it at that.

"I brought you both some clean clothes and pajama's, some magazines, cross words and some roses for my daughter."

"Thank you, mom. They're beautiful!"

"You're welcome, sweety. I will be in the hospital most of the day. If you need anything, you can have me paged. Otherwise, I will come check on you when I can get a lunch break. After work tonight, Paul and Thomas will be here. We can discuss what's going on, then." Pauline leaned down to kiss Lynnette's cheek and did the same to Steven. "You two behave, I'll see you later."

Pauline left and Lynnette's breakfast arrived. French toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, a fruit cup, and O.J. Lynnette didn't waste any time. She practically inhaled her food, barely able to taste it. Soon, the neurologist came in to see Lynnette, Dr. Dennis Ward. He explained a few tests he wanted to run, and if everything came back clear, Lynnette would be discharged later that day.

"That sounds great!" Lynnette exclaimed. "Let's get this party started, then! I have finals next week!"

Laughing, "Most student's would be asking to stay longer to get out of taking tests!" Dr. Ward said, shaking his head. "I'll put the orders in, let's hope they can get you in soon!"

Dr. Ward left, Steven went to change his clothes, and Lynnette was sniffing her flowers. Steven saw the look on her face as she was smelling them, thinking, "If I only had a camera right now!"



I'm gonna run down to the cafeteria and get some breakfast. Will you be OK? Do you want me to get you anything on my way back?"

"A Coke would be wonderful!"

"One Coke for my beautiful wife, coming right up!" He kissed her lips chastely and left.

As he left his wife's room, an orderly was heading towards Lynnette's room with a wheelchair. Steven thought he knew him from somewhere but shook it off as coincidence.

Tizanidine Dreams: Collegiate Love; UndergradsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora