The Waiting Game

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Lynnette had been in surgery for over eight hours. The surgeon didn't just re-route he colon, he did reconstructive work on her anal sphincter, the wall between the vagina and anus, and called in an OB/GYN to make sure there was no damage to her reproductive organs. Two different doctors working on Lynnette.

Out in the waiting room, Pauline and Thomas sat with Steven. Paul went to the airport to pick up Byron and Edith. When Lynnette had gone missing, the Fletcher's were notified and took the first plane out to LA. They didn't bother packing anything.

The elevator door dinged, and as it opened, Agent Lewis, Paul, Byron, and Edith walked out. Edith eyed Steven and ran to him. She wrapped her arms around her son-in-law and held him tightly.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't protect her like I promised I would. I'm sorry." He repeated over and over to Edith.

Byron had finally made his way over to his wife and embraced her and Steven as well. Hearing this kids apology because of something that was out of his control. Cupping Steven's cheeks, he looked into his eyes.

"Look, son. You have nothing to be sorry for. You hear me? I repeat... You. Have. Nothing. To. Apologize. For!" Byron was speaking through his tears. "There is no way for you to have known he was at the hospital, let alone the state, son."

"But I passed him in the hall... just minutes before he took her. I should have recognized him immediately."

"Son, it's not your fault. We know how much you love her. How much you want to keep her safe. Do you realize that you have done more at 19, than any other man twice your age? You have proved yourself to us, Steven. Please quit blaming yourself, son."

Byron was still holding onto Steven, while Edith went to talk to Pauline.

"Any word from the OR?"

"The OB/GYN came out first. That was about three hours ago. He had to repair the wall splitting the vagina and anus and she had some tearing of the cervix. Her uterus was undamaged. He said that in about six to eight weeks that the kids could continue their sex life. I couldn't help chuckling at that. But after this... I'm not sure that will ever happen in their marriage. I really worry for that. BUT... the general surgeon came out about an hour ago. She had repaired the anal sphincter muscle. She said Lynnette was lucky it was repaired so soon after the injury, that she would heal faster and better and that no issues should arise. She will have a colostomy bag while her colon heals from all of this."

"Damn!" Agent Lewis didn't mean to say that aloud. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

"It's OK, Agent Lewis. Rice really did a job on our girl." Pauline commented. "Byron, Pauline... I have something to tell you. In California, whenever a rape is reported, especially as soon as it happens, the attending doctor automatically administers the abortion medication. In Lynnette's case, it was administered into her I.V. instead of a shot."

"OH THANK GOD!" The Fletchers praised in unison.

"I'm glad we all agree..." Steven Chimed in. "but we didn't get to ask Lynnette what she would want." Steven hung his head as in shame. "I'm a terrible husband. I am selfish and only thought that I didn't want Rice to father another child that would be mine. I wanted a child that would carry my genes... my DNA. What happens if she'll never let me hold her like I did, ever again? What if she hates me for taking that choice away from her?"

Paul came to embrace his son. "She won't hate you, son You were not being selfish. You had no idea that the doctor would do that. Look at the progress you two have made. You just keep doing what you have been doing."

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