Warm Air and Sunshine

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Warm Air and Sunshine

Steven had woken up before Lynnette. Gently sliding out of bed, he gently kissed her forehead. He had a huge smile, thinking how wonderful it was to have her in his arms all night and waking up to see her beautiful face. Electricity funneled through his entire body like a renewed freshness. With a new pep in his step, he went to the kitchen to make breakfast and coffee for them both.

The smell of bacon and coffee, Lynnette woke up. Making her way downstairs, she let her nose direct her to the delicious aroma. Steven had yet to notice her, so she leaned against the doorframe and watched him work. She couldn't help to think that her friend seemed to master household culinary skills.

Steven had dropped a piece of bacon on the floor as he was plating it.


Lynnette couldn't contain her laughter. "It's just a piece of bacon."

Jumping at the unexpected sound of her voice, "I guess that piece wasn't meant to be eaten." He then bent down to throw it away. "I was going to serve you breakfast in bed."

"I smelled coffee and bacon. You look like a natural in the kitchen. You sure you want to be a lawyer?"

"It runs in the blood... what more can I say? Here's your coffee madame. Just like you like it, blonde and sweet... just like you!"

"Thank you, kind sir. I'm sorry for waking you up last night."

"You didn't bother me one bit. Don't apologize for needing comfort after a nightmare. I told you before, I'm here for however you may need me to be. However, I think we may need to talk with my parents later tonight. They have always had a rule about sleeping together. Only if you are married."

Lynnette agreed. She thought she would have to explain this sooner or later to Steven's parents.

"Well, at least the door was open. You're right though, but it should come from me."

Steven nodded in agreement and turned the stove off. He placed the plate of food in front of her and then himself. That first bite was heavenly. She hadn't realized how hungry she really was. She finished in no time at all. When Steven finished his plate, she got up to clear the dishes and put everything in the dishwasher.

"So, what is on the agenda today?"

"Well, my parents left us a car to use, since mine is back in Ohio. What would you like to do?"

"Whatever you would normally do. You don't have to make special plans just because I am here."

Steven walked over to stand in front of her, being a bit bold after last night. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Finding that she wasn't resisting and pulled her close. As if an automatic reaction, she placed her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder. He then held her a bit tighter.

"I would normally go to my church. They run a Day Care that I used to work at. Would you like to go with me?"


"OK. Let's change. Wear shorts or something light. It's warm out."

After changing out of sleepwear, Steven and Lynnette left the house for the church. As he was driving, he would point out many places they passed and giving her a brief tour of his city.

"That's my elementary school. I never missed a day when I was younger. And that Ice-cream parlor is where I had my first job."

"When did you start at the Day Care?"

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