Birds and Bees

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Birds and Bees

Just after 7pm, Paul and Pauline arrived home with pizza for dinner. They weren't newbie parents; they knew a college student's appetite. Lynnette and Steven were bombarded with questions about school, Katherine, the Fletcher's. The only subject they didn't approach was the status of their relationship. Lynnette, herself, had been thinking about the subject. She asked to be excused to go to the backyard. She wanted to star gaze. It's something she hadn't enjoyed in a long time.

Outside was a little cooler than the day, so Lynnette grabbed one of Steven's hoodies that happened to be on top of the dryer. She laid on one of the loungers by the pool and looked to the sky and thought about Steven.

'He kissed my hand twice. I reached out for him. After my nightmare and when I took his hand in the car. It did feel wonderful when he had his arm around, could this be possible? Could he stop the nightmares? It was an innocent gesture. But when he kissed my hand, I have never felt what I felt before! He's really good with Katherine! He doesn't have to be, yet he is, and she adores him!' "Oh... what am I doing?" She practically scolded herself!

Meanwhile.... Steven was given "The Talk', by his parents.

"Sweety, Lynnette is a wonderful girl." Pauline started.

"Why do I sense a BUT, mom?"

"I happened to look in on you this morning, before going to work. You know, I missed my baby boy."

"And you saw Lynnette in my arms."

"Yes, son. Need I remind you that she already has a child?" Paul cut in.

Cutting his dad off, "You don't have the whole story, dad. She has bad nightmares. Usually she has Katherine to cuddle with." Taking a deep breath, "Her nightmares are bad. Almost like night terrors, but she won't admit to it. Let me get her in here. We actually talked about this subject today."

Steven went to the side door that led to the pool. He saw her looking up to the sky when he heard her say "Oh... what am I doing?"

"Lynnette? I think it's time we told my parents."

Looking over to where his voice came from, "OK. I'm coming now."

When they both came back to the kitchen, Lynnette spoke.

"I apologize for being in bed with Steven this morning. You see, almost two years ago I was assaulted. That's how I became pregnant with Katherine. Ever since, I would have the same occurring nightmare. If I have Katherine in my arms, I don't have them. Well last night I had a similar one, but I believe Steven has told you about what happened of the 4th of July. Last night's dream was of that incident. When I woke up, I went to Steven. I swear, all he did was hold me the rest of the night!"

His parents looked to each other then excused themselves to discuss this news.

"Paul, Steven has talked to me extensively about this. True, he is clearly in love with her! But have you looked into Lynnette's eyes? She is far from ready for that type of relationship. If it helps the girl to sleep, maybe we should give them a pass. Just this once."

Paul thought about it then agreed. He didn't want to cause Lynnette any undue rest. If his son, holding her in his arms to JUST SLEEP, who is he to deny that to her. "You're right. But the door stays at least, cracked. No closed door!"

Paul and Pauline returned to the kitchen to inform the kids their decision. But before they could say anything, Steven started speaking, while holding Lynnette's hand.

"Mom, dad. Last night I just held her close so she would be able to sleep. I swear that is all it was. Lynnette left the door cracked for two reasons. She won't be in any room unless there is a light source, and the hall light was on. The second reason was so you wouldn't think there was anything going on between us. I kissed her forehead this morning and have only held her hand...."

Lynnette took over. "Steven and I are friends. I'm not sure where this all leads. But he isn't pushing me in any one direction."

Paul and Pauline looked to each other. Paul was the one to speak. Lynnette, sweety, we are sorry to infer something else. I guess that as a father, I over thought the situation. Please forgive me. And if it makes you more comfortable, and you can get a restful night's sleep... who are we to block you. You are a welcomed guest in our home. We want you to feel that way. I just ask one thing."

"Anything Mr. Pennington."

"OK... two, I guess. One, you must call me Paul or dad. And the second is, please keep the door cracked. I believe the two of you. I just don't want anyone else who may come in the house to get a different idea. Meaning if my other son should come home."

"No problem. I believe that is fair Paul. I don't want to give you any other impressions about me. I will abide by your rules. And thank you for this. You don't know what it means to me."

"I believe we do sweetheart." Pauline said.

They all hugged Lynnette. Tears began to fall down her cheeks. Steven then Held her close to him and she allowed this intimacy with him. He spoke quietly so only she would hear..." I love you, Lynnette."

She wrapped her arms around his neck even tighter and answered him. "I love you, too."

Tizanidine Dreams: Collegiate Love; UndergradsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon