Cheater, Cheater: Part 2

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It couldn't hurt could it? Indulging in each other until you forgot about the the people that broke your hearts. Until the pain was rung out of you like a sponge and your heart was ready to fill with love again. How could consoling your pain in each other be wrong? You didn't know if Archie was feeling the same way but when you locked eyes with him you knew he understood every thought flowing through your mind. Sweet Pea used to do that - one look in the eyes and he knew, you were an open book to him. He however was always more closed off, harder to interpret. Maybe that's why you didn't see? Why you foolishly believed everything he told you. That thought sent a shock to your heart breaking the temporary numbness you felt. You weren't mean to be thinking about him. That was the last sign you needed to lean into Archie to connect your lips, the last step in forgetting the boy who broke your heart.


Your lips were met with air as Archie was ripped away from you, your legs dropping to the ground. The warmth Archie was emitting disappearing causing your skin to erupt in goosebumps a cold dread running through you. You keep your eyes closed for a few seconds if anything screwing them more tightly shut not wanting to face the scene you could hear unfolding in front of you - because of you. Maybe when you opened your eyes you wouldn't be here instead being in Sweets arms the whole ordeal a horrible dream. But the yelling demands your attention and you open your eyes to the harsh reality chilling you like a cold shower. Sweet Pea had grabbed hold of Archie's collar and pressed him up against the wall, people from the crowd were yelling all focus on the fight.

"Who do you think you are putting your hands all over her like that?" Sweet Pea couldn't stop the yelling, he couldn't stop seeing red, he couldn't stop ruining everything. Archie looked dazed from the sudden shift in position, looking at Sweet Pea through glassy eyes.

"You fucked my girlfriend." Archie says slowly like the realisation is just dawning on him, and this thought seemed to sober him up. That was all he said before drawing his clenched fist back and hitting Sweet Pea square in the jaw. That was all you needed to be snapped out of your own drunken stupor, clumsily dragging yourself from the couch the alcohol still weighing you down. Sweet Pea looked ready to deck Archie but you jumped in the middle fully aware neither boy would risk harming you to get to the other. Though the furious look on Archie's face was making you second guess that.

"Stop." You hiss to them. Their pause was enough time for Fangs and Kevin to emerge securing them from fighting, both of them red in the face and heavily breathing glaring at the other. You began to realise the stares of the crowd everyone was looking at the fight in interest and question. Someone had cut the music, the silence was jarring. You felt the embarrassment crawling up on you the tears stinging the back of your eyes.

"Excuse me." You push your way through the crowd well aware that everyone eyes were on you and doing everything to contain the tears

You stand on the grass of the front yard, the tears not waiting any longer demanding your attention. You suddenly lurch forward hands on your knees feeling as if you were going to throw up. You stood there a mess of sobbing, shaking and retching. You could hear the music pick up again, the police would definitely be called soon. You barely hear the slam of the door, expecting it to one of the girls coming out to comfort you.

"Y/N." The voice hits your ears causing the pain to erupt in your chest. No, you didn't want him to see you like this, to see how he has destroyed you. You didn't want him to see you so vulnerable, never again. You push yourself up into standing straight up forcing the tears to stop, looking him dead in the eyes even though you know you looked like a mess.

"Fuck off Sweet Pea." You voice coming out cold a stark contrast to your emotional sobbing.

"No I'm not leaving." His voice adamant.

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