I sighed and walked into my class room. In all my years of living I have never in my life seen so many girls that looked the same. The same clothes the same hair color, and even the same annoying giggle. If it weren't for the hope that my mate was in one of my classes I'd kill myself after the afternoon of desperate flirting and annoying banter from these dimwitted girls.


 I was totally exhausted by the time 5th period came around, as I was just about to give up all hope about seeing my mate i started so smell that familiar sent of vanilla, caramel, and chocolate. I looked up from my desk and saw her. I was so happy I almost stood up and started to dance for joy. I was so excited I couldn't help myself when I started to grin widely and laugh out loud. I watched her and her two friends go to the back of the room and sat in the back desk by the window.


I felt like a stalker watching her, following her slim figure with my eyes, I was probably drooling, just watching her lick her lips made me want to do dirty things to her after class. It took all my strength not to go to her and do her right in the middle of the class room. Ugh I felt like such a pervert. She was 16 for crying out loud. I've been through this all before. When I saw her by the waterfall, I was 13 and I was just getting used to changing, I was in my wolf form when I smelled her. I ran towards the smell just to see a little girl sitting by the waterfall looking at the water. Her little body that probably wouldn't have stood even up to my chin, her long black wavy hair was in little pig tails, her blue eyes shone with excitement. I felt an over whelming sense of love and the need to protect her. I got scared about those feelings for a little girl I ran away. I remember that night I talked to my dad about it and he explained about the mating process. It took me a couple days to coop with the feelings then I went out to look for her, I spent weeks and months, going on to a year looking for her. Then I gave up looking for her and began to try to forget her, using girls over and over again just trying to forget that one little girl.


The bell rang, calling class to order, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at my mate, she was sound asleep, her face looked so peaceful and happy. "Hello class! How was your morning?" I asked.


I heard a chores of good, I looked at my mate she was still sound asleep, oblivious to my love for her and the fact I was staring intently at her, dying for her attention. "Mrs. Rain quiet due to some personal reasons so I guess I'll be your teacher till further notice, I hope you don't mind."


"I don't mind at all." Said a girl towards the back, she looked at me in a seductive way and then winked at me. I shuddered in disgust, don't girls anymore have respect?


I looked to the back of the class again, my mate, was still asleep. I walked towards her desk slowly, I saw her friend, Noah tapping her shoulder trying to wake her up. "What's her name?" I asked Noah, even though I knew it, it'd be weird to address her without truly asking someone who she knew. "Hayley. She hasn't been able to sleep in the past two days, her dad is away on business and her uncle is watching her until he comes back, and she-well she justs been staying up worrying about her dad." I nodded and mentally frowned at his familiar way of addressing her. 


"Hayley." I called. I shook her shouldered, I felt a shiver of ecstasy run down my body by just touching her shoulder. I was whipped and she didn't even know it. "Miss. Lake. Please wake up. I do not appreciate you sleeping in my class room."

Tonight I'm Loving You *My Teacher is a Werewolf* (On hold indefinitely)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora