You're Dead

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*****JJ Pov******

I woke up early cause I had to pee like crazy so I got down from my bed and stretched my arms. When I looked at the couch I saw Kaitlyn laying with SAM?!?! What the hell is Sam doing laying with Katylin?!?? I grabbed Sam's shirt and pulled him off the couch making a loud thud causing him to wake up. He looked up at me confused.

"What the hell" he asked still half asleep.

"What the fuck were you doing with my little sister" I yelled and I am pissed.

"Calm down JJ I didn't fuck her I talked to her last night and we fell asleep" he said as he got up. I grabbed his shirt and walked off the bus throwing him off in the process making him hit the ground.

"Next time don't sleep with her ok she has a boyfriend ya know" I yelled at him. He got up and brushed himself off.

"No she doesn't anymore that's what we were talking about she was crying I heard her we talked and then kissed" he said then covered his mouth.

"YOU KISSED MY LITTLE SISTER" I yelled and stepped closer to him making him back up and hit the bus.

"No I just wanted to see you're reaction" he said biting his lip which I know means he is lying. I punched his jaw making his head snap back and hit the bus. He held his jaw and then punched my lip. I shoved him and he shoved back but then we were broke apart by Shawn and Jack. Shawn was holding me back and Jack was holding Sam back and for a fifteen year old Shawn is pretty strong.

"Why the hell are you too punching each other at 5 am" Jack asked and I could tell he was pissed cause we woke him up.

"Sam fucking kissed Kaitlyn" I yelled and Jacks facial expression changed.

"Dude I warned you he was gonna kill you" he said and I was very confused.

"Wait Sam do you like Katylin" I asked and Sam nodded putting his head down.

"I did before she moved and Jack was the only one that knew" he said still looking down.

"What the hell man why didn't you tell me I wouldn't have had her come if I would have known my best friend who is also a player likes my little sister" I yelled. Sam got out of Jacks grip and punched my jaw. Jack grabbed him again and dug his wrists into his back.

"I only did that to get her off my mind it worked but when I saw her my feelings came back" Sam said

"BULLSHIT" I yelled as I tried to get out of Shawn's grip but he dug my wrists into the back just like Jack did to Sam. Then the bus door flew open, Emma and Annabelle stepped outside with pajama pants and hoodies.

"What is going on" Annabelle asked and Sam looked down.

"These two idiots were fighting" Jack said and both of their jaws dropped.

"About what" Emma asked. I looked at Sam and his head was still down.

"Sam kissed Kaitlyn" Shawn said as he continued to dig my wrists into me which hurt.

"So big deal he has kissed girls before" Annabelle said. Sam's head was now up and he was smiling cause his sister was on his side.

"Ya but JJ doesn't like his little sister to be kissed my his best friend who also happens to be a player" Emma said and I smiled cause she is on my side.

"I am not a player ok and how the fuck would you know Emma you were a freshman last year and freshman don't know shit about upper classmen" Sam asked and he was now looking at Emma.

"It's a small town Sam and you always talked to Jack about it on the way home from school don't you remember I was there idiot" she said

"Sam stay away from my sister or you really will be dead and you won't see it coming" I said. Shawn let go of me and I walked away from the bus to clear my head.

"JJ wait up" Emma said running after me. She caught up to me and we walked together.

"You don't have to come I will be fine" I said

"I know I just want to walk cause Sam is a little mad at me for being on your side" she said. I stopped and hugged her.

"Thanks for taking my side" I said as we broke apart.

"Anything for my other big brother" she said hitting my arm. I laughed then picked her up and put her on my shoulder.

"You are really light do you not eat? You do right cause if you don't eat that is bad" I asked and I heard her laugh.

"Yes Johnson I eat cause food is bae" she said giggling at herself and I laughed.

"What about Shawn" I asked

"He is alright I guess" she said and I knew she was smiling.

"Ok I guess I will tell him and when I do you're dead" I said as I ran back towards the bus with Emma still on my shoulder.

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