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******Emma Pov****

After Shawn walked away from me I went into the bathroom and cut my wrist three times. I covered them up with a bandage and pulled my hoodie sleeve over it. When I walked out of the bathroom Jack picked me up and took me into the kitchen.

Everyone was in the kitchen but Shawn and there was a cake on the table. Jack sat down at set me on his lap.

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Emma happy birthday to you" they sang I made a wish and blew out my candles.

"Thanks you guys" I said. Jack kissed my cheek and then shoved my face in the cake.

"Happy birthday Emma" he said and everyone laughed. I wiped some cake off my face and onto him. Then JJ took pictures of me sitting on Jack and Annabelle took a video. I wanted to clean my face but I decided to take a selfie with Jack and put it on Twitter. Then Jack grabbed his phone and took pics with me. Annabelle handed the both of us a wet cloth and we wiped are faces and I thanked everyone.

I opened some presents I got a lot of cool stuff and now I can go to sleep. Jack planned this whole thing and I am lucky to have him as a brother. I went to my bed and as I was about to get on the ladder Shawn was coming down. We made eye contact but I looked away and I felt tears in my eyes.

"Uh happy birthday Emma" he said

"Thanks and I'm sorry" I said and I was now looking at him. His jaw was clenched and he looked mad.

"Emma just stop I am not mad you kissed him back but that you didn't tell me" he said. The tears started to come out of my eyes and no matter how much I wiped them they kept coming.

"I'm sorry Shawn I wanted to tell you but- he cut me off and came closer to me.

"But what Emma I am your boyfriend you should have told me I wouldn't have been that mad" he yelled and I cried harder. Then Jack came into the room, when he saw me crying he came up to me and hugged me. He turned around so he was facing Shawn and my back was to Shawn.

"What the hell did you do to her" Jack asked/yelled as I cried into his chest.

"I didn't do anything her ex boyfriend Jaiden kissed her when we were back in Ohama and she kissed him back she just told me" Shawn yelled

"Who the hell is Jaiden" Jack asked grabbing my shoulders and pulling me away from him so I was looking into his eyes.

"We dated for two months and I caught him with another girl" I said looking at the ground crying.

"I am done with this conversation and this tour most importantly you Emma" Shawn yelled. I noticed he had all his stuff with him and he was ready to leave.

"Shawn don't leave I am sorry please I never loved anyone more than I loved you Shawn you are my other half" I said wiping my tears.

"Emma stop I thought I felt the same way but I think this is a sing we shouldn't be together" he said and walked away.

I climbed up to my bed and cried into my pillow. Then I felt my journal so I decided to write in it.

Dear Diary,
It is July 6th also my birthday and this has been the worst birthday ever. I told Shawn that I kissed Jaiden and he broke up with me. Shawn is my other half and I miss him. Shawn left the tour and he said he was done with me. Well that is it cause I can barley see. If you are reading this sometime later Shawn I am sorry and I love you.


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