Goof Off Day

757 11 4

******Emma Pov******

After we hung out at the beach for a little bit we went back to the bus so we could go to our next stop in St.Louis and it is gonna be a long bus ride. I walked onto the bus and went into the kitchen to get food.

When I got the kitchen I opened the fridge and took out an apple. I bit into the apple and walked to the game room where we were gonna have a ping pong tournament. I walked into the game room just as Shawn and Jake were about to play.

"So the winner of this game plays the winner of the next game which is Annabelle and Luke" Jack said as I sat next to him. Soon Shawn won it was time for Annabelle and Luke to play.

"Annabelle remember just focus and watch the ball" Sammy said. Annabelle served the ball and Luke hit it back to her then she hit it back to him.

I am now playing against Sammy and if I win I play Shawn for the championship. Sammy served the ball I hit it and he missed it so I won.

"Good game Em" Sammy said sticking his hand out for me to shake and I did.

"Alright final round Shawn against Emma" Foushee said like an announcer at a baseball game.

"Hey Em can I get a good luck kiss" Shawn asked smirking from ear to ear. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

Shawn served the ball so I hit it and he hit it back. It kept going on like this for a few minutes and now the score is 19- 19 the first one to 21 wins. Then Shawn hit the ball and I missed it which meant he had 20 so he was closer to beating me again. I took a deep breath and blocked out all the sounds around me. Shawn served I hit it back and he missed it so we were tied again and the next point wins.

"Come on Emma you got this" Jack said. I took another deep breath and served the ball. Shawn hit it back to me and I hit it back to him. Finally I hit the ball and he missed it so I won.

"Good game Shawn" I said and he smiled then pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks you too Emma and the only reason you won was because I can't focus when you look so beautiful" he said into my ear and hit his chest.

"How did we all loose to a fourteen year old girl" Cody asked

"Cause this fourteen year old has skills" I said and they laughed.

"Ya skills that I taught ya" Jack said

"No you suck at ping pong" I said. It may be mean but it was true.

"You're gonna get it now little sis" he said as he grabbed a Nerf gun from the couch. He pinned me to the chair and started shooting at me. Soon he was out of bullets so he stopped and let go of me. I got up and punched his arm lightly. Then I felt two arms wrap around me and I was lifted up.

"Why are you so beautiful" Shawn asked as he kissed my cheek and then sat down in a chair with me in his lap.

"I don't know I guess genetics" I said and he laughed.

"Which we all know you get from me cause I am gowergous" Jack said and I laughed.

"Sure whatever you think big bro" I said and he shot me a glare. Then he grabbed my feet and pulled me out off Shawn's lap and onto the floor. He came to my level and started to tickle my sides and I started laughing.

"Emma you're laugh is so cute" Shawn said. Then Jack stopped but he laid across me and went on his phone.

"Really Jack" I said and he nodded while laughing. Then I felt my phone vibrate so I took it out of my pocket and I got a text from my ex boyfriend Jaiden.

Jaiden- Hey Em I miss you like crazy and I know you are gone but please what I did was wrong. I love you and I want you back.

"Who ya texting" Jack asked looking up at me.

"No one and can you get off me I need to pee" I asked. He got off me and I went into the other room but took Annabelle with me.

"Why do I need to come to the bathroom with you" she asked and o rolled my eyes.

"I don't need to pee ya stoop Jaiden texted me" I said and handed her my phone. She read it and her jaw dropped.

"You have to tell him about Shawn cause you told me you hated Jaiden" she said. Jaiden did hurt me so I will text him back.

Me- Jaiden we can be friends I am sorry but you hurt me and I already have a bf.

"I did told him" I said. She nodded and we walked back into the room.

When we got to the room Jack Shawn JJ and Sammy were playing fuse ball. I walked behind Shawn and I hugged him making Sammy score.

"Not fair I was distracted" Shawn said and I smiled at JJ and Sammy.

"Nice work Em but don't you want your boyfriend to win" JJ asked and I shrugged.

"Or your brother" Jack asked as I sat down on the couch next to Foushee.

"Nah" I said.

They continued with their game and occasionally I would distract Shawn by doing something like hugging him or when I took off my hoodie he got pretty distracted. Sammy and JJ ended up winning with the help of me.

"I want a rematch" Jack said

"Ok let's go" JJ said

"But Emma has to go" Jack said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine bye Emma" Sammy said. I got up and walked away but before I did I gave Shawn a kiss on the cheek.

I walked into the studio were Cody and Annabelle were messing around. When I got in there I grabbed my guitar and started to play and sing.

I want to go back,

Forget that it's over

Painted in black,

When you left me alone

I never knew, she was sleeping

Worst and Best Summer•{S.M}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora