The Truth Hurts

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*****Jack Pov*****

My mom dad Molly Laura and I all sat in a private room talking to a doctor about Emma. So far all he has said is Emma's damage which I knew but it still made me break down and the rest of my family. JJ is in here because well the hospital thinks he is her brohter so we just went with it.

"We are trying everything we can but with all the damage to Emma's head their is a small chance of her waking up and if she does she may have a hard time doing the simplest things like using her legs or arms" the doctor said

"Is there anything you can do" my dad asked and he could barley get it out.

"We will keep doing scans of her brain and making sure she has some sort of brain activity" he said

"Thank you doc" my dad said. The doctor nodded and walked out. We got up and went to Emma's room.

When we got in the room my mom sat in a chair next to Emma's bed Molly sat at the end of her bed Laura sat on the other side of her bed and I just stood in the doorway with JJ. Everyone was sit around the room and it was silent until Jenna spoke up.

"Any good news from the doctor" she asked looking at my mom and dad. My mom shook her head and cried into my dads chest. The only time I have seen my mom cry was when her mom died and the only time I have seen my dad cry when his brother died three months ago. Looking at my family and seeing them break down is making it tough for me to not cry but sometimes I let it out. Then a nurse came in and checked Emma to make sure she was doing ok.

"Visiting hours will be over soon two people may stay but the rest must leave" the nurse said as she walked out.

"Mom dad you guys stay the night" Molly said

"Jack I think you should stay" my mom said and I shook my head

"No I have been with her for two days you guys stay I will go on the bus Molly Laura you guys can come on too" I said

"Ok bye kids we will call if anything happens love you" my dad said. I went up to Emma and kissed her forehead. JJ did it Shawn did it Sammy Jake Cody Luke Jenna kissed her cheek and Annabelle hugged her. Molly and Laura kissed her cheeks then we walked out of the room and out the building to the bus.

When we got on the bus I showed Molly and Laura where they would sleep then I went into my kot. I laid down and took my phone out, I had tweets from fans asking why the tour was put off and why we haven't been on twitter for a while.

"Everybody meeting in the filming room" I yelled as I got out of my kot and went into the filming room.

Once everyone was in their questions started to be asked.

"Jack why did you call us in here" Shawn asked

"For two days fans have been asking why the tour is being held so I think we should do a Younow to explain what is going on" I said

"Ok we should do it on our channel so Jack and I will tweet the rest of you can be in it if you like" JJ said. I took out my phone, I went onto to twitter and tweeted:

JackGilinsky: Doing a YouNow soon to explain some stuff that is going on. Watch us.

I put the link to our YouNow and put my phone in my pocket. JJ looked at me and set up the camera. Then he pressed go live so we started and we already had tons of people watching.

"Hey guys today's YouNow is gonna be short and we are gonna explain why our tour has been put off" I said

"As you can see we have some other guests with us" JJ said. Only Shawn Annabelle and Sammy were in the shot.

"Ok here I go the reason the tour has been put off is because my sister Emma is in the hospital" I said crying and shielding my eyes. I looked at some of the comments:

Awe Jack is crying how sweet

Omg tell Emma we love her

Jack hang in there

"Emma was beat badly and she has some brain damage doctors are unsure if she will make it" JJ said I looked over at him and he was crying too.

"Emma is my best friend and I love her I just hope she will be ok" Annabelle said crying. More people kept saying nice things about Emma and how they want her to get better.

"I have known Emma since she met Annabelle and she always makes me laugh I know god won't let her go cause she will be missed by us all" Sammy said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Emma is my girlfriend which you guys didn't know but I love her and she will win this battle I know it cause she is tough" Shawn said crying. Then we all said bye and decided to just go to bed.

As I was getting into bed my mom texted me.

Mom- Emma has started to mumble things and the first thing she said was Jack.
I started crying tears of joy cause she might remember me when she wakes up.

"Guys Emma has started to mumble things and the first thing she said was Jack" I yelled.

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