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*****Emma Pov****

I walked into my second and final day of court with the same people behind supporting me like always. Today I feel a lot more confident then I did yesterday cause the jury has seen the messages from Kenny and I think they have heard enough people talk on the stand. Then a whole bunch or reporters came up to me and asked questions about I am lying about Kenny beating me up so I can get money or stuff like that. In order for me and everyone else to get away from them we had to be pulled out by a few security guards it was crazy.

When we got into the court room I went to the same place I went to yesterday, my family and friends sat behind me. My lawyer(Brain) sat down and we started to talk.

"Emma how you feeling today" he asked

"I feel a lot more confident then I did yesterday" I said and he nodded.

"Today the jury is gonna see the pictures we took of your back and stomach so they can see what Kenny did also we gave them a copy of what your doctors said about your injuries and what you went through when you were in the hospital" he said and I nodded. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Jack smiling at me.

"Good luck love you" he said and kissed my forehead.

Soon the judge walked in and went to her spot.

"Welcome back everyone I hope we all had a good night sleep now I would like to see what damage was done to Emma by Kenny" the jugde said. My lawyer gave her the pictures. The jury and the jugde looked at them for quite awhile.

"Brain thanks for everything you did to help me out" I said and he smiled.

"I am just doing my job but you're welcome Emma hope we win this case" he said. I turned around and looked at Shawn. He kissed my cheek and smiled at me.

"Emma did I say you look good today" he asked looking at my black dress that I am wearing. I smiled at him and he laughed.

"After looking at the pictures we have decided Kenny Holland is guilty and he will sent to jail for ten years thanks for your time" the jugde said. Officers took Kenny away and I hoped to not see him for a long time. I walked over to my mom and dad and hugged them.

"Good job honey" my mom said. Then Jack hugged me and kissed my cheek.

We walked out of the building and went into my dads car. I sat next to Jack and Annabelle cause we are all going to my house so we riding together. When we got home Annnabelle and I changed into comfy clothes then went back downstairs. My mom was setting the table for dinner and we are having chicken. Then everyone came in and we all sat at the table. We started eating and then Jack spoke up.

"Since Emma is doing much better I was wondering if she could come back on tour with us for the last month and a half" he asked

"Jack I don't think so I mean we have to watch her but if she feels up to it she can go" my mom said and they all looked at me.

"If it is ok with you mom and dad I would like to come back on tour" I said

"You can go but Jack you must watch her and call us every night" my dad said and I nodded.

"Emma the first thing we are gonna do is play ping pong got it little Gilinsky" Foushee said I laughed then nodded.

After dinner Jack JJ Sammy Luke Jenna Annabelle Shawn and I went downstairs to watch a movie. I sat on the couch next to Shawn and we cuddled. I am so happy Kenny was guilty cause I won't have to see him for a while hopefully.

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