He Is Bad I Can Tell

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*********Annabelle POV*******

Now we are in Chicago and in ten minutes Cam is gonna be here and I am so nervous I am pacing. Sam is rehersing with the guys while Luke Jenna and Emma are on their phones.

"Annabelle calm down Cam seems like a nice guy so I am sure Sam will like him" Emma said and I kept pacing. Then Cam texted me.

Cam- I am by the front gates can't wait to see you.

"Sam Cam is here come on" I yelled. Sam ran out and he was shirtless.

We walked to the front gates and when I saw Cam my palms started to sweat. Sam and I walked to Cam who smiled.

"Hi Cam" I said as I hugged him then I felt Sam pull me back. He held onto my arm.

"Cam I am Sam remember how I said to not date my sister" he asked and I hit his stomach.

"Ya I remember but I like your sister a lot and I won't hurt her cause I know what it feels like to be heartbroken" Cam said

"See Sam he won't hurt me now can I date him" I begged

"Sorry but no Annabelle you are too young" he said

"Sam I hate you I am fourteen you were younger than me when you had your first girlfriend" I yelled

"Annabelle do not raise your voice st me now go back to Emma and I will be there in a minute" he yelled

"No you can't control me anymore Sam I am growing up and you have to execpt that" I said. I grabbed Cams hand and we walked to where everyone was.

"Annabelle I don't want to get you in trouble" Cam said

"I am willing to take a risk for you" I said and he smiled.

When we got to backstage the guys were still rehersing Emma and Luke were in their same spots but Jenna was gone.

"Annabelle you are grounded and I called security to remove Cam" Sam said coming up to me.

"You can't do that" I yelled

"Yes I can" he said. Security guards came and started to take Cam away.

"Sam if you want me to be happy then you will let Cam stay please" I begged and I could feel the tears in my eyes.

"Annabelle I am trying to protect you cause he is bad I can tell" he said. Cam was now out of the building so I sat down next to Emma and cried onto her shoulder.

Worst and Best Summer•{S.M}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu