Court Day

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*****Emma Pov Four Weeks Later***

I was released out of the hospital last week and I am much better. I still don't have all my strength but I have enough where I can be a fourteen year old again. My brain is working fine but sometimes I may just cry out of no where because the part of my brain that was affected was my emotions so someone might say something and I may just cry, Jack called it a emotional freak out so that is what we are calling it now. Oh my ribs are doing fine they just have to be looked at every so often and sometimes they hurt like hell.

"Emma ready" Jack asked coming into my room wearing a tux. Today we are going to court against Kenny and we are home in Nebraska. I looked up at Jack and he hugged me.

"I'm scared Jack" I said. I am scared to see  Kenny again cause all the memories will come back and yes I do remember what he did to me.

"Emma what he did was bad and don't worry he won't be able to get to you" he said. We let go of each other and went downstairs.

As we were walking downstairs Shawn texted me.

Shawn❤- Morning babe see you in ten minutes good luck I love you and don't be scared just remember you surrived his attack.

Me- Morning Shawn love you to and thanks.

"Emma do you have the texts Kenny sent you" my dad asked

"I have them on my phone and I printed some for the lawyer" I said and he nodded. Then JJ Sammers and Annabelle walked in with their parents.

"Hey Emma looking good girl" Annabelle said laughing.

"Not to bad yourself Wilkinson" I said. Then Sammers hugged me and so did JJ. I love these boys so much and I am blessed to have them in my life.

"So Em you ready for court session day one" JJ asked and I shrugged.

"You will do fine little sis" Jack said putting a hand on my shoulder. Then it was time to leave so we got in the cars.

I went with my mom dad and Jack. The whole ride was quiet and I was trying to stay calm.

When we got to the place where court was held at we all got out and went inside. Our lawyer came up to us and talked for a little. Then I saw Shawn and he came up to me. He hugged me and kissed me.

"Good luck Em ok and look back at me if you need to" he said and I nodded. Then we had to go in so we all walked in and Jack's hand was on my shoulder. My lawyer and I are the only ones allowed to sit at the table thing. My mom dad Molly Laura Jack Annabelle Shawn JJ Sammers Luke and Jenna are sitting behind me.

I walked over to the table with my lawyer and he smiled at me. I took my seat and waited for the judge to come in.

"Now just tell the judge what you told me and Kenny should be put in jail" my lawyer said and I nodded. Then Kenny came in with his lawyer and he smiled at me causing tears to form in my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Jack.

"You're gonna be fine I love you" he said and kissed my cheek.

Soon the judge came in and we got started. Kennys lawyer called a few people to the stand and the first person he called was Jack so he went up there.

"Mr.Gilinsky is it true that on the night Kenny so called beat up Emma that you saw her crying and she said Kenny privately messaged her on twitter and said he was looking for her" his lawyer asked

"It is true" he said

"Can you prove it" the lawyer asked. The judge then showed Kenny's texts to me.

After six long hours of debating and aruging it was time to go home. We have to go back tomorrow so the judge can make her decision and until then Kenny must stay in jail. I walked out of the building and got in my dads car.

"Emma you ok" Jack asked and I nodded.

When we got home i went upstairs and changed into sweats and a hoodie. I went back downstairs and sat on my couch next to Jack who changed into basketball shorts. He put his arm around me and I lenaed into him.

"You did good today" he said rubbing my arm. I did do good today I mean I didn't have an emotional freak out.

"Thanks so did you when you were a on the stand" I said. Then Sammers Annabelle JJ Luke Jenna and Shawn came in, they all changed.

"Hey we are bored so we came over here" Sammers said

"Emma how you doing ya know about the court thing" JJ asked

"Good I feel a lot better then I did earlier" I said they laughed and nodded.

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