No Sleep Effect

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******JJ Pov*******

I woke up and saw Jack looking at Emma and crying. It has been two days and Jack hasn't gotten any sleep. Everyone else has been sleeping on the bus while him and I have been here the whole time but I have been the one getting sleep unlike him. All he has done is stare at him and cry. I am worried about Jack he hasn't been taking his anxiety pills and he needs to now more than ever. He keeps having panic attacks and it has been getting harder to get him to calm down. Sam and I keep telling him to take them but he just snaps at us which he has been doing a lot.

"Jack go to sleep you haven't slept in two days your mom and dad aren't gonna be happy when they see you" I said. Him and Emma's parents are coming later today cause that was the earliest they could get.

"I can't sleep cause if she wakes I could not be awake and I need to be awake when she wakes up" he yelled not taking his eyes off Emma. That is what I mean by snapping at us.

"You need sleep and to accept the fact she is not gonna wake up anytime soon" I said. It may be rude but he needs to hear the truth and accept it.

"I am not sleeping till she wakes up" he yelled still not taking his eyes off of Emma. I got up and went for a walk cause I am tired of him snapping at me.

I walked outside and went on the bus. When I walked on the bus I went into the kitchen, Shawn Sam and Annabelle were in there eating. I sat down next to Shawn and ate a donut.

"I have had enough of him snapping at me and not listening" I said

"Is he that bad" Annabelle asked

"Yes he hasn't been sleeping and he won't eat" I said. I understand he is upset but he can die if he doesn't eat.

"He is just going through a rough time" Shawn said

"Ya but he needs to eat and sleep cause bad things can happen" Sam said drinking whatever he was drinking.

"Well Sam what if that was me would you sleep or eat knowing I could die" Annabelle asked

"I would cause I wouldn't want to risk my health just because someone I love is in critical condition" Sam said and Annabelle rolled her eyes.

"Can someone else please stay with him I can't take it" I said

"You know him the best just stay with him" Sam said.

Soon everyone was up so we went to go see Emma, when we got there his mom dad and sisters were there. His mom was crying so I went up to her and gave her a hug.

"She is gonna be ok Mrs.Gilinsky" I said. We broke apart and I hugged the rest of them. When I hugged Molly she told thanks for looking after Jack.

"Jack you look horrible" Mrs.Gilinsky said and I thought you have no idea what he has been through.

"Well it hurts that she is laying there close to death and I am sitting here doing nothing to help her" he snapped once again and by now I have gotten used to it.

"Jack Finnegan Gilinsky do not snap at your mother like that" his dad said. Jack got up and walked out of the room for a walk I guess. Sam went after him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

"He hasn't been in the best mood in two days and he has been snapping like that all the time" I said rubbing my hands.

"Ya he snapped at me when I said she is gonna be ok" Shawn said. Jack has snapped at all of us but mostly Sam and I cause we keep yelling at him to take his medication but he doesn't.

"Can the rest of you guys please leave I need to talk to Johnson alone" his mom said. They all nodded and left the room leaving me alone.

"Jack has Jack been taking his meds" his dad asked. Jack will want me to lie but I can't cause his parents need to know.

"No he hasn't Sam and I have been trying to get him to take them but he snaps at us he keeps having panic attacks and they are harder to control everytime" I said

"Thanks for telling us and can you go find us" his mom asked. I nodded and left the room.

I searched the halls for Jack and I found him sitting against a wall next to Sam breathing heavily. Sam looked up at me with a look of worry so I sat next to Jack and put a hand on his back. He wasn't calming down so Sam and I helped him up and took him to Emma's room.

We got to the room and Jack sat down with our help. Sam and I walked out of the room to leave them to talk alone.

*****Jack Pov*******

As soon as Jack and Sam walked out my parents started to talk about how I need to take my meds. I am still having my panic attack but they don't seem to care. My dad is yelling at me and it is not helping my panic attack.

"Wait mom dad he is having a panic attack" Molly said at least she noticed. My mom came up to me and rubbed my back.

"Jack calm down don't think about Emma think about your career" Laura said. I can't get Emma out of mind when she is so close to dying.

I ended up calming down after an hour and then the yelling started again. My dad kept yelling at me that I need to take my meds cause if I don't I could die of a panic attack. I have had enough of this yelling.

"Stop yelling before I have another panic attack please I can't take it" I yelled.

"Jack do not yell at your father" my mom yelled at me.

"I can't take the yelling anymore so please shut up" I said running my hands through my hair and wiping my tears.

"Ok Jack just calm down" Molly said. I need people to stop telling me that cause I can't calm down.

"Please shut up" I said and looked at Emma's limb body.

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