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********Shawn Pov********

I couldn't sleep last night cause I kept thinking about Emma and if she doesn't make it. Emma is my girlfriend and I love her so I don't want her to go cause we just started dating. Doctors say she won't make it but Jack told us last night that she said his name so that might mean she will be ok but Jack also said last night her body shut down and showed no brain activity. Jack is taking everything hard and he keeps snapping at us even if we don't really say much he just snaps because he hasn't slept in two days.

I got out of my kot and went down the ladder. It is like 4am so no one is probably up so I think I am gonna go do what I always do when I'm stressed. I walked into the recording room and grabbed my guitar.

I want to go back,

Forget that it's over

Painted in black

When you left me alone

I never knew, she was sleeping next door

With the kid I grew up with

And I can't go back anymore no more

You tell me you were happier with him,you want me to stay

  And you tell me that you needed time but you pushed me away

But then you try to take me back but my heavy heart just breaks

No I can't lift the weight.

Then Jack walked in puffy eyed and red circles under his eyes. I stopped and put my guitar away.

"Why are you up" Jack asked taking a seat in a bean bag chair next to me.

"Same reason you are" I said figuring he was up cause he was worried about Emma.

"Worried about Emma" he asked

"Ya couldn't sleep last night at all" I said leaning back a little and staring at the ceiling.

"My mom said after she said Jack her brain shut down and she hasn't said anything since" he said. I felt a tear slip out of my eye and I quickly wiped it with my hoodie sleeve.

"I miss her being here and making us laugh beating the shit out of us in ping pong" I said and Jack laughed.

"Ya I miss her always being up in my business and always being loud" he said. I looked over at him and he was smiling for the first time in a while.

"I miss hugging her kissing her and holding her in my arms" I said as more tears came out of my eyes. Then Jacks phone went off and he answered it. When he got off he ran out so I went after him.

"My mom said we can go see Emma and that she mumbled something" he said as he walked out the door and I followed.

We went into the hospital looking like shit but we didn't care, we walked to Emma's room Jack's parents were sitting in chairs with no emotions. I pulled up a chair and sat on one side of Emma along with Jack.

"So far she has said Jack and Shawn" his dad said and I felt a smile come to my face cause she said my name. I grabbed Emma's hand and held it. Her hand was really cold and I felt if I held it to hard it would shatter to pieces so I held it lightly. Jack got up and kissed her forehead and I kissed her cheek.

"Emma I love you and I miss you so please wake up we all miss you so much I need you Emma please" I said tears escaping my eyes and I didn't care to wipe them.

"Emma please wake up cause without you I am a mess I know I am supposeed to look after you but you always looked after me and made sure I was ok without you I am a mess I love you and need you" Jack said tears coming out of his eyes. I couldn't help it so I just let the tears come out and I didn't care.

A few hours later everyone was in here just waiting I guess for Emma to wake up. I have stopped crying but sometimes tears still come out and same with everyone else. Cody isn't here anymore cause he had to go home but we told him we would let him know if she wakes up anytime soon and keep he updated on her cause he cares about her. I looked around the room Mr and Mrs Gilinsky were asleep while everyone is still up looking at phones or staring at Emma. Jack is just staring at Emma holding her hand. He hasn't said a word since everyone got in here all he has done is stare at Emma crying.

"Can't we do something other than sit here" Luke said standing up. His lip was quivering and he was on the verge of tears. Jenna went up to him and hugged him. All you heard was him crying into Jenna's shoulder and his crying made me break down but I have no one to hug. Annabelle came up to me and hugged me she is honestly like my sister. I cried into her shoulder and she just kept hugging me. When we broke apart she sat next to me and stayed quiet. I kept crying but wiped some away.

"Annabelle" Emma mumbled and Annabelle lit up. We all kinda looked up and smiled a little cause she might make it.

"Do you think their is a chance" I asked looking around the room.

"She is strong and I know she will" Johnson said. He is right Emma is strong and she will win this battle even it takes all the strength she has.

"I miss her" Annabelle said. I looked over at her and she was crying. Sam came over to her picked her up sat back down with her on his lap and hugged her.

"Annabelle she is gonna be ok" Sam said. Oh shit this might make Jack snap like it has before.

"Please stop staying that how do you know or you a doctor or can you see what is going on her head so shut your dam mouth" Jack snapped and there it is.

"Jack stop snapping he is just trying to calm Annabelle down" Molly said

"Molly shut up I have had enough of people telling me what to do I can take care of myself I am seventeen" Jack said

"You obviously can't Jack you look awful you haven't been taking your meds you haven't slept and you haven't eaten" Johnson yelled waking up Mr and Mrs Gilinsky.

"I can't sleep or eat when my little sister is in here possibly dying" Jack yelled

"Jack Finnegan Gilinsky stop yelling it is bad for your anxiety" Mr. Gilinsky said. Jack rolled his eyes then went back to looking up at Emma. Wait Jack has anxiety since when and why did he not tell us?

*****Jack Pov******

I am tired of people yelling at me and telling me what to do. With all the yelling my breathing has gotten heavier and no one has noticed cause they are too busy yelling at me.

"Jack you need to take a walk and cool down" my dad yelled and my breaths got heavier and shorter but the yelling kept going.

"Look Jack I love you like a brother please don't do this to yourself" JJ yelled at me.

"Stop yelling" I said in between my breaths which was hard cause they are shorter.

"Jack calm down please and take your meds" my dad said. No one here knows how hard it is to calm down they don't get that I can't just stop and its not like I have thses attacks on purpose.

"Here take these" my mom said handing me two pills with a bottle of water. I swallowed the pills and immediately my breathing was normal. My mom told me to keep these so I put them in my pocket and went back to looking at Emma.

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