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*****Emma's Pov*****

Today we are in Cleveland Ohio and we are going to a water park. I don't want to go to a water park cause of my scars on my legs and if I wear shorts Jack will be suspicious and if I don't go in the water Jack will think something is up cause he knows I love to swim in pools. I have been cutting more and even though Jack has my phone the hate is still in my head and cutting takes the pain away.

I put my suit on and put clothes over it. I walked out of the bathroom and went outside where everyone else was. Shawn came up to me and put his arm around me. We started walking into the water park thing and when we got to the locker rooms Annabelle Jenna and I went into the girls while the guys went into the guys. Annabelle and Jenna took off their clothes so they were in there bikinis while I kept mine on.

"Emma why aren't you changing" Annabelle asked looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Can you guys keep a secret" I asked and the nodded. I pulled down my shorts so they can see my cuts and they both gasp.

"Emma why" Jenna asks as I pull my shorts back up.

"The hate is still in my head and please don't tell I promised Jack I wouldn't do it anymore but the pain helps take it away" I said

"We won't" they both said and we walked out of the locker room.

*****Jenna Pov*****

I am telling Jack about Emma's cuts because I don't want her to do it anymore and even though she told me not to I have to cause he is her brother and she needs his help.

"Damn Jenna you look great" Jack said walking up to me and smiling.

"Thanks and Jack I need to tell you something" I said

"What is it" he asked smiling and this would just break him.

"Emma has been cutting her thighs" I said and his smiled faded. He didn't say anything he just kept looking at the sky.

"How do you know" he asks now looking me in the eyes.

"She showed Annabelle and I in the locker room" I said and he nodded. He went over to Shawn and talked to him.

******Jack Pov*******

I walked over to Shawn so I could tell him about Emma cutting herself again.

"Shawn Emma's been cutting again" I said and his eyes went wide.

"But we have checked her wrists and they were clean" he said

"She cut her thighs so we couldn't see them" I said. I looked over at Emma and she was sitting in one of those beach chairs and she still had her shorts on.

"Are you gonna go talk to her" Shawn asked. Hell yeah I am gonna talk to her and I am gonna make sure she doesn't cut again.

"Ya and I want to do it alone ok you know a older brother to little sister talk" I said and he nodded.

"I'll talk to her later good luck" he said as he walked away. I walked over to Emma and sat down on one of the chairs next to her.

"Emma why don't you come on the waterslide with me" I said

"I don't wanna I just wanna lay here maybe later but you can still go" she said

"Jenna told me you cut your legs why" I blurt out and she went white.

"She is lying I haven't cut since you took my phone away" she said and I knew she was lying.

"You're lying to me Emma why would lie and why would you cut" I asked looking into her eyes.

"It is still none of you're business so leave me alone" she said as she got up and started to walk away. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down.

"Emma I am you're brother and this is my business cause I am supposed to protect you" I said still not letting go of her wrist.

"Jack you're hurting me" she said as she tried to get out of my grip but I held on tighter.

"You promised me you wouldn't cut and you broke it I think you should go back home so mom can help you cause I obviously can't" I said

"No Jack I don't want to go home please its just that I know the hate is never gonna go away and when I cut it makes me forget it is their" she said

"Emma if you keep cutting you could loose more blood you could die" I said and she looked down. Then Shawn came over to us and sat down by Emma's feet.

"Emma will you come on the water slide with me" he asked

"No you can still go though" she said still looking down and picking at her hands. Shawn moved closer and lifter her head up.

"Can I see how deep you cut" I asked. She looked at me and nodded. She stood up and took her shorts off. I saw about five cuts on each thigh.

"Why Emma" Shawn asked

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