Don't Tell Jack

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******Shawn Pov******

I heard someone crying so I peeked my head out of my kot and I saw Kenny holding Emma up by her collor. Emma was struggling to get him to let go but it looked like it wasn't working. Then Kenny slapped Emma and she hung her head so she was looking at the floor. Kenny dropped her and she fell to the ground he walked back to his bed leaving Emma on the ground. I got up and went over to Emma who was shaking and bawling on the ground.

"Emma are you ok" I asked. She looked up at me and her eyes were red. Her lip was bleeding again and she had a brusie on her left cheek.

"Shawn did you see anything" she asked. I picked her up and set her in my lap.

"Ya I did and I have to tell Jack" I said as I rubbed her back and held her.

"I can't cause Kenny said he will kill me if Jack found out" she said still crying. Why is Kenny doing this to her?

"Emma he is your brother he has to know and if he knows he will watch you closely" I said. Then I stood up with Emma still in my arms and I walked to the bathroom.

When we got into the bathroom I set her down on the counter and I cleaned up her cut on her lip. Once I was all done I washed my hands and helped her down.

"Thanks Shawn" she said. Then I leaned in and placed my lips on hers. She kissed back and she wrapped her small little arms around my neck while I wrapped my arms around her waist. We broke the kiss and she looked down.

"Emma did that hurt your lip" I asked

"No it made it feel better" she said smiling at the floor. Why would Kenny hurt her when she is so beautiful? I mean she is so beautiful she has the best smile she has a perfect body and her personality is perfect.

"Why don't we go back to bed and not tell Jack this happened" I said as I opened the bathroom door and we walked out. I let her climb up the ladder first and when she got into her bed I climbed to my bed which was next to hers.

"Night Shawn" she said

"Night Emma" I said and soon I was asleep.

*****Emma Pov*******

After Shawn kissed me I couldn't fall asleep cause I kept thinking does Shawn like me or did he just do it to do it and do I like him or Idk?

Since I can't fall asleep I decided to go on my phone and text Cam cause I knew he is awake.

Me- When a guy kisses a girl does it mean he likes her?

Cam- Depends if he got dared maybe but if he did it out of nowhere then ya why?

Me- Well this kid named Shawn Mendes kissed me and Idk if he likes me.

Cam- Oh well you should ask him cause that is how you are gonna find out. I gtg sorry ttyl.

I pressed the home button and went onto twitter and tweeted cause I am bored.

@EmGilinsky00: Bored so I am doing a following spree retweet if you want one.

Immediately I got a tweet back and it was from Jack.

@JackGilinsky: @EmGilinsky00 go to bed little girl or your phone is mine.

@EmGilinsky00: @JackGilinsky I'm not tired and why are you up???

@JackGilinsky: @EmGilinsky go to bed and I will not tell mom that you broke my camera.

@EmGilinsky: @JackGilinsky I never broke it the only time I had it was when I handed it to Johnshon so ask him.

Then my curtain was pulled open and there Jack stood wearing nothing but basketball shorts.

"Em go to bed it is 4 am" he said

"I'm not tired dough" I whined. Jack put his hand on my right cheek and I winced in pain cause that was the one that had the bruise. Then Jack shined his flashlight from his phone on my face and he looked at the brusie with wide eyes.

"Emma what happened" he asked looking into my eyes. I turned over and closed my eyes.

"Good night Jack love you" I said. He sighed and then closed my curtain then walked away.

Soon after I fell asleep and I kept thinking about Shawn.

******Shawn Pov*****

I woke to the sound of someone walking around so I got down from my bed and saw Johnson walking out of the bathroom.

"Hey Shawn" he said

"Aye Johnson you know if Emma is up" I asked cause I need to talk with her.

"Nah but should be soon it almost noon" he said as he walked away. Then Emma climbed down the ladder and when she saw me she smiled. I walked over to her grabbed her hands and took her into the game room,where no one was.

"Emma I......

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