Start from the beginning

Although no longer ascending the throne, Shanna still had to stay in the Northside castle as her husband was training the ground troops there to get them into shape. Some of his best men had come from the Southside to help him and he spent entirely too much time in his beloved war room, leaving his wife and newborn daughter to fend for themselves.

Well, as much as princesses would need to, considering the personal servants and chambermaids they both had. The king had even tried to order for a wet nurse to be available but the new mothers greatly protested as they didn't want anyone else to be feeding their newborn children. Unfortunately for the king, he had to accept that his daughters were grown adults now and no longer needed his help with much.

Six weeks after Pax and Dahlia were born, the crowning ceremony was held for Lily and Jughead to finally become the reigning couple. King Owens stepped down from king to simply father of the queen. In truth, he was quite okay with this as ruling solo for so long had been quite tiresome. He had been looking forward to the rest greatly. Although he did stick around for a majority of the council meetings to help guide his daughter in the political processes. Afterall, Shanna had been the one trained in all of it and not Lily. It was an easy fix, however, and Lily was a natural just as her mother had been.

With Lily and Jughead ruling as equals, most of their day was spent going over new decrees, new laws being passed, having an audience with those wanting to propose changes or new social programs, going over financing the Southside with supplies, and various odds and ends. This meant that for a majority of the day, their son was actually in the care of his aunt as she had no royal duty to do...well anything really.

It actually caused her a great deal of distress, although feeling mostly fulfilled as a mother and aunt, she still grew depressed with the thought that this was all that was left for her while her sister and husband were off doing bigger and better things. She was left in their dust and was feeling particularly ignored and abandoned.

She was in her favorite sunroom with the two infants one day, alone as usual, and on this particular day she was weeping silently as she rocked the bassinet Pax was currently fussing in as he was fighting sleep. Her own daughter was already passed out from a belly full of fresh breast milk.

Duke Mantle, not the old pissant Marty but the new and improved Reginald, came across her there and noticed something wasn't right. He came in slowly, not wanting to startle her or the little one that she was trying to get to sleep.

"Princess...?" He asked softly as she quickly wiped the tears from her face, hoping that he hadn't seen them. But of course, he had. That was one of the reasons why he was coming in here. "May I sit down?"

Shanna let out a tired sigh. She didn't sleep much, really only when both babies were asleep was she finally able to drift off into dreamlessness. "You may." She said, her exhaustion evident in her voice.

Reggie sat down on the couch beside her. Not too close to be inappropriate, but close enough to try and give some kind of comfort. "What's wrong?" He asked timidly, a tone that he very rarely took. She didn't even look at him as she continued to gently move the bassinet back and forth in a rhythm that only she could feel.

"What do you care, Reggie?" She bit back, not understanding what he was doing here when he surely had some important things to do. Even the duke had a bigger role to play in the kingdom than she did at this point. She never thought that she would one day regret giving up the crown.

The duke frowned, "I know I didn't act like it, Princess Shanna, but I have always cared about you. I never stopped caring. Everything I did to hurt you, that was my father's doing. I never once lied about my feelings for you."

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