A silence befell them. Shanna and Lily merely picked at their food while their father ate normally. They were both too angry to have their fate decided for them at the young age of eighteen.

Bile rose in Lily's throat as she couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she'd never find out who had been leaving her little love notes around the castle. How she'd never be able to marry someone that truly loved her and not just for her status. She quickly stood up, leaving in a rush before vomit could escape past her lips.

Worried about her sister, Lav jumped up and followed after her. The King let out a disappointed sigh, continuing to eat his meal in silence.

Shanna quickly caught up to her sister, having just emptied her stomach into one of the many potted plants in the hallway. "Lils," She said softly, pulling Lily's hair back out of her face as she leaned over the large pot. "We'll figure this out. We always do."

Lily sniffed back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. She just felt so overwhelmed from the news, not knowing how the rest of her life was going to play out. "I got another letter today."

"You did?" Shanna asked curiously, having not known that. The past few months Lily had been finding love letters addressed to her by an anonymous writer. "What did this one say?"

The younger princess sat back on her heels and took a deep breath. "That my eyes shine brighter than the emeralds in my tiara."

Lavender held back a gag. "That's so cheesy."

"It's so sweet!" Lily said, burying her face in her hands. "And now I'll never get to be with him. I'll be stuck with...with Sweet Pea the rest of my life. You know he doesn't have the capability of writing love letters. He doesn't have a romantic bone inside of his giant body!"

"Romantic? No. But sexy? Yes." Shanna said with an amused look, "can't imagine Jughead being any good in bed."

Lily shot her a frustrated look, "how would you even know what good sex is? You're a virgin."

Shanna stiffened before she shrugged, "I can imagine. And the chambermaids say that the younger prince is much more...endowed."

"Lavie, just because you want to be with a man that warms the bed of every of-age woman in the two kingdoms, doesn't mean that I want to be." Lily replied, clearly aggravated.

"I don't want to be with him!" Lav protested, "I don't want to be with anyone! I just want to be able to live my life without some man telling me how to do it."

Lily pulled her hands away from her face and sighed, "Jughead wouldn't tell you how to live your life, Lav. He'd let you rule as an equal." She seemed almost disappointed that she wouldn't be the one by his side instead.

Lav helped Lily up, grabbing her upper arm gently to get her back on her feet. "You know I don't want to rule, Lils." She said in a quiet voice. "I just want to ride Persephone off to some neutral land to just live out my days in peace with someone I love. No more corsets that are so tight that they crack my ribs. Or dresses so big that I can't even sit down comfortably. Or only being able to eat certain foods with certain utensils. If I want to use my soup spoon for ice cream, then I can because no one is hovering over me telling me that it's wrong and improper and that I'm less of a lady for doing so. And Christ, no more crowns!"

Lily offered her a sympathetic smile. Lav had always complained about becoming queen. She didn't want the load of responsibility of hundreds of lives on her shoulders. However as first born it was her fate to ascend. Lily on the other hand, wouldn't mind it so much. She had a knack for leading people. More so than her sister did.

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