But It's A Cruel World

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You could probably hear a needle dropping at that moment. Words can’t even come out of my mouth. This can’t be reality.

Sadie Horan? Really?

I stare at him for a few moments, just utterly speechless before looking down and sighing.

“No.” I mutter.

I can hear the murmurs of disbelief, and Niall slowly gets up from his kneeing position. “Really?” He whispers, tears forming in his eyes.

At that moment, I grin ear to ear and shake my head. “Sorry, I had to… I’m just joking. Yes, yes, yes, a billion times yes!” His face lights up again as I jump into his arms, sharing our first kiss as an engaged couple. The crowd erupts into applause, although I can hear several boos from the Niall fans. Louis waves his hand up and suddenly, an eruption of fireworks goes off in the night sky- forming hearts, infinite signs, and wedding rings in the blackness of space. It’s all adorable. Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry continue to sing Little Things as Niall slips the ring onto my finger. My eyes and his eyes lock onto each other, sharing all of our feelings through our gaze. I understand him, and he understands me, without need of a single word to be spoken.

The show ends soon after, and Niall keeps me onstage for the rest of the show, serenading me with every song they perform. I don’t know how I got so lucky as to the point where I got to fall in love with the most perfect guy on Earth.

This was the beginning of my new life.

As soon as the concert ends, Niall picks me up and runs backstage, carrying me. “Make way for the new Mrs. Horan!” He yells as he shoves people out of our way as he runs to his car.

I giggle and kiss his cheek. “I love you so much.”

“I will never forgive you for saying no to me, at first.” He grins as he opens the car door and lays me down inside.

“Sorry! I had to make this moment as memorable as possible. This’ll be one for Youtube history.” I grin.

He hops into the drivers seat and smiles. “You’re so perfect.” His laugh echoes in my ears. I look down at the ring on my finger. I slowly take it off and smile. It’s an imprint ring. On the inside of the ring, there’s an impression of the word “Infinite” so when I take off the ring, the word in pressed into my finger.

“Infinite…” I whisper to myself.

“I thought it was the perfect word for us.” He smiles and starts up the car. A whole bunch of fangirls spot us in the vehicle and run over.


“I love you!”

“I’m so happy for you!”

“She’s a whore, though.” That last one…

Niall’s eyes lock onto the person who had said it, and so do mine.

“Why is he here?” I whisper as Heath grins into our car.

“That asshole…” Niall grumbles as he gets out of the car, with clenched fists.

My eyes widen and I run after him.

“Get out of our life!” Niall yells at Heath.

“Does it bother you that she might come crawling back to me at any given moment?” Heath winks.

“I would never.” I say quietly to Niall, trying to usher him away.

Heath walks closer. We notice that all the fans have taken a few steps back, and no one is really talking.

“I don’t understand why you like her. Whatever, this marriage won’t last, you realize that right, Sadie?” Heath grins as he saunters over to me. That’s when I realize- he’s drunk.

“Heath, go home.” I whisper, trying not to cause a scene.

“Home? Home? I should go home?” He laughs, obnoxiously loud. This is very unlike him. He’s not a heavy drinker…

“Please, leave.” I say.

“What?” He smirks and moves even closer to me. The smell of alcohol on his breath is making me sick. He puts a finger under my chin. “You’re a bitch. A fucking worthless piece of shit that never deserved me in the first place. So why do I still love yo-”

“Don’t you fucking touch her!” Niall shoves Heath away from me.

“Niall, let’s just go!” I cry out.

The fans all have phones and cameras out, video taping and taking pictures of all of this.

Heath glares at Niall and shoves him, back with double the force.

Niall snarls and draws his arm back, landing a powerful punch right in  Heath’s jaw.

That is when the screams erupt- from me, and the rest of the girls there. Not only are we horrified by Niall’s punch, but what scares us more is seeing what Heath takes out from under his shirt.

Niall’s eyes widen as he sees Heath’s gun.

Oh my God.

Heath raises his weapon.

Screaming, crying, running.

But the gun isn’t pointed at Niall.

“If I can’t have her, no one can.”


I fall.

Niall runs to me.


Niall screams.


My vision goes black.


One more body falls.



WHAT WILL HAPPEN? I guess you'll have to wait till next week. ;)


love always, sadie xx

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