We're Lost And So Alone

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                “Thanks for letting me spend the night here… I didn’t really know where else to go to get away from all of this.” I sigh and put down the cup of coffee Heath had made me. He still lives in the same apartment as when we first used to go out. I can’t help but hate it here. It brings back way too many memories.

                I really don’t listen to his responses. Too many thoughts in my head.

                That’s the couch where we had our first kiss.

                That’s the room where I walked in to see Sienna for the first time.

                That’s the picture frame that I threw when we fought.

                That’s the door he slammed in my face when we broke up.

                This is the house I swore I would never come back to.

                “So what exactly happened between you and Niall?” He sighs and takes a sip of his own coffee.

                I look at him slightly annoyed. He is the reason that I’m here right now. If those stupid pictures hadn’t gotten released… Ugh. I guess I can’t blame Heath, though. He didn’t have anything to do with it.

                “Well, I don’t know if you saw or not, but the pictures of us on our business meetings got released and now Niall thinks that you and I are dating, so he got mad and we got in an argument and here I am now.” It feels weird. The whole fighting process… I hate fights. Stupid things, they are.

                “Oh. I’m sorry…” He looks down- I feel like he thinks he’s partially to blame, which in a way he is… Sort of.

                “It’s fine. I’m sure it’ll all blow over soon.”

                “Really? Because I noticed you don’t have your promise ring anymore.” His eyes trail down to my hands.

                “I know. I threw it at him- which was a total act of stupidity…” A few seconds pass and I look at my ring-less hand. What have I done? Tears start to prick my eyes and in a matter of seconds, I start to bawl.

                Heath scoots over and wraps his arms around me. “Shh.. It’s okay.”

                This little idiot. There isn’t an ounce of sorrow in his voice. He hasn’t changed a bit.

                But, I need someone to hold me- like Niall used to. It’s only been a few minutes and I already can’t stand it. I miss him. He means more to me than anyone else. But, it seems like I blew it, because I’m pretty sure Niall isn’t feeling as bad as I am right now. Dear God, please let everything be okay.

                NIALL’S POV

                “I’M SUCH AN ASSHOLE!” I yell as I throw a pillow at the wall hard enough to knock down a picture frame.

                Liam sighs and quickly runs over to pick up the picture, dusting it off from the broken glass and holding it out to me. “No you’re not. She loves you. This was a stupid fight.”

                I look down at the picture in my hands and moan. It’s me and her when we went to Paris a few months ago for out 6 month anniversary. “You don’t think she really cheated on me, do you?”

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