"Yes, Fangs, and we were thinking of going the...DP route." Lavender said as she sat down on the bed to look up at him.

Fangs glanced at Sweet Pea, "so which hole do I get?" He asked crudely, earning a punch to the arm from his friend.

Lavender laughed at him. "Come here." She grabbed him by the waist and brought him closer to her. "Let's just start with a kiss. Pea can watch, he kisses me all the time."

She looked at her boyfriend, asking him if he was okay with this with a simple look. Pea gave her a slight nod before peeling off his tank top. Fangs was somehow already in his boxers. Lavender was definitely impressed by his speed.

Fangs leaned down at Lav's urging. His lips meeting hers softly at first, but Lav made it deeper. She ran her tongue across his lips to get him to open his mouth. Of course he did, having had plenty of wet dreams about making out with his best friend. As wrong as he always felt about it, this felt right.

She pulled him down on top of her, laying back so that he was on top. Her eyes darted to Sweet Pea who was rubbing himself through his boxers with an intense look on his face. He seemed to be enjoying this at least.

Lavender and Fangs continued to kiss one another passionately, Fang's hands wandering along her sides playfully. She let out a light moan, touching the defined muscles of his abs as he nipped at her lips.

"Rhodes, get on top." Sweet Pea ordered. Fangs rolled over onto his back, pulling Lavender on top of him. Their lips didn't even part, tongues entwined together. Fangs hands slipped behind her back and he expertly unhooked her bra. Lavender ripped it off of her to free her breasts.

Fangs' hands cupped both of them, squeezing playfully. She noticed that his hands weren't quite as big as Sweet Pea's but they felt great nonetheless. Meanwhile Sweet Pea was slipping down her underwear. He grabbed the small bottle of lube that Fangs had brought and popped it open.

Lavender took her underwear off completely so that she was fully naked on top of Fangs. Sweet Pea squeezed the bottle, lube oozing out and dropping between her bottom cheeks. She jumped at the feeling of cold liquid against her suddenly.

Fangs chuckled at her reaction, her lips suddenly breaking away from his. "Pea!" Lavender whined at him for not warning her first.

"Don't pay attention to him, I'm the one you're kissing." Fangs said a little possessively, catching her lips with his again. Lav kissed him back, feeling Sweet Pea's hands on her ass. He smacked her once, making her let out another whine. His finger went to her hole and he rubbed the lube in, making sure it was all over his finger before slowly starting to insert it.

A small gasp came from her lips, annoying Fangs that she was breaking away from him yet again. It felt so foreign and she wasn't sure how she felt about something suddenly being in her ass. This was an alley she'd never been down before despite Sweet Pea trying to convince her on numerous occasions.

His index finger was all the way in, "How does that feel, baby?" He asked, wanting to know if it was okay for him to go further.

Fangs was watching them, growing hard at the erotic scene in front of him. He pinched Lav's nipples to help ease her obvious anxiety. He understood his role in this more now, to help keep her distracted while Sweet Pea prepped her ass for himself. He knew she'd never done it before, because Sweet Pea told him practically everything that went on in the bedroom (mostly because Fangs was curious and asked all the time).

"It feels weird, but it doesn't hurt." Lavender said, encouraging him to start moving his finger in and out. Despite the somewhat discomfort, it slowly started to feeling good. Fangs was still playing with her breasts, the feeling of two different sets of hands on her practically setting her on fire.

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