Izuku vs (Enji) Todoroki

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Todoroki spotted Izuku making his way to the prep room for their match. Izuku nodded at him and walked off, leaving Todoroki, which was fine, until he heard an all too familiar voice behind him.

"Do not be friendly with him, Shoto. He is you're enemy, and a quirkless general studies student. I will be very disappointed if you lose this match."

Todoroki fritted his teeth, not wanting to turn around and look at the hero towering over him.

"Shoto, look at me." The hero growled.

Todoroki shook his head. "I will lose against him. He is far stronger than me and gas been helping me to become stronger. Do not judge him for being quirkless. His strength and determination are stronger than anyone else's. He is not weak. And he is my friend, whether you like it or not. I will try to beat him, but don't be surprised when I lose, dad."

Todoroki shrugged off the hand that had gripped his arm and made his way to his prep room, ignoring the raging hero he had left in his wake.

Izuku smiled to himself and glanced around the corner, seeing Endeavour standing there with a scowl on his face. He stepped around the corner and beamed up at the hero.

"You know, you cannot decide who you're children befriend. The more you try to, the more they will rebel and you will fail. You were right about me being a quirkless general studies student but there was one thing you got wrong. I am not Todoroki's enemy."

His smile changed. His eyes narrowing into slits of pure evil. His teeth baring, as though ready to rip the number two hero apart. His face turning sinister, a smile of pure, unrivaled bloodlust and sadistic joy that made the hero want to run and hide.

"But I am your's."

With that, he turned and left, not glancing back.

Endeavour clenched his hands into fists, hoping to stop the tremors running through them. He knew Izuku was quirkless and, he hoped, weaker than him, but fear still spread through his body. As Todoroki had said, the boy was determined, but that just made it seem more terrifying.

In that moment, Endeavour knew that that boy would would do anything he could to tear him apart and would not stop until he was six feet underground.

He shook himself and walked away, in the opposite direction that Izuku had gone.

It was stupid. He didn't have to be afraid, not of a weakling like him. That boy wouldn't hurt him. He couldn't hurt him. He would be fine.



Izuku proudly entered the arena, smiling up at his classmates, who cheered louder than anyone else. One of their classmates had made it this far, a shining example of how general studies were not weaker than the hero courses.

Todoroki took his position and got into a fighting stance, one that Izuku had taught him, of course, and Izuku did the same, both grinning at each other, not a sinister grin, a grin of happiness and playfulness. They had both done this a million times before, and they both knew what would happen.

Izuku was the first to react.

He sprinted forward, leaping over ice that launched at him. He span to the side, dodging a glacier that flew at him and ducking under a spear of ice, aimed at his head.

He was met with a wall of ice, covering Todoroki on all sides, but he grinned, knowing exactly what to do.

He jumped onto the shield of ice, casting shadows for Todoroki to see. As expected, a spear of ice shot up at him, but this time, Izuku grabbed it, riding it way up into the air, where he let go and let himself fall.

His foot smashed through the ice shield, missing Todoroki's face by inches as the dual haired boy kept back in shock from the crashing sound.

Izuku aimed a punch, but Todoroki hastily blocked, only making Izuku grin more as he kicked Todoroki in the gut.

Todoroki doubled over and glared up at Izuky, who only grinned wider.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes at that teasing grin, and smiled wider himself as fire flooded the arena.

Todoroki let the flames die out, expected to see Izuku still stood there, strong as ever, but instead the green haired villain was lying on the grass, outside of the arena, without a scratch on him.

Todoroki blinked down at him as he slowly stood up then smiled with understanding.

Izuku had decided to lose, he didn't want to have to lose to Bakugou. He had decided to give Todoroki a chance to beat him.

Izuku gave Todoroki a thumbs up and Todoroki laughed, shaking his head at his green haired friend who just shrugged back at him.

Izuku walked over to Todoroki and wrapped his arms around him, shocking the hero in training until he heard words whispered in his ear.

"We'll do it tonight. I'll meet you after school, but first, feel like really pissing him off?"

Todoroki grinned. "What did you have planned?"

"Oh, I don't know." Izuku released the thing and smiled at Todoroki. "This."

Todoroki's body went stiff as he suddenly felt Izuku's lips press against his. He looked into Izuku's eyes that dared him to kiss him back, and he obliged,  smiling as he heard Endeavour's shout of anger and the various 'aww's that ricocheted around the stadium. He could almost hear Mina's shout of "I told you!"

Izuku leaned back, Todoroki leaning forward until he felt a gentle hand on his chest. Izuku grinned widely then muttered quietly.

"I can't wait to hear the lecture my dad gives me for this. 'That was really reckless.' 'You should tell me before doing stupid things like that.' 'Now if one of you get caught, it's too easy to catch the other.' 'Don't get too attached. You never know what could happen.' Hypocrite. "

Todoroki grinned back. "Well at least I won't be getting the lecture."

Izuku started laughing and he grabbed Todoroki's hand. "Come on, let's go piss off Kacchan."


Sorry about not updating for ages. I had really bad writer's block.

Anyway, so I'm adding Tododeku to this story because... why not? I won't add a lot (since I didn't plan for it in the first place and because I can't write romance)

Thanks for ready! ♡♡♡

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