Stain's innocent

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The next day, Iida was on patrols with them.

He had been patrolling with another group up until then, patrolling different areas of the city, meaning that Izuku and Todoroki had hardly seen him since they started their internships.

Iida smiled slightly at them when he saw them, all dressed up in their hero costumes. Izuku beamed back at him, all too aware of Todoroki's stare digging into him.

Manuel talked to all of them and explained that they would be doing patrols later on in the day, evening into early night, to give them some experience of night patrols.

India's face seemed to tense as he listened to this and Izuku grinned at Todoroki, who slowly nodded back.

Looks like they were finally going to get their fun.

Patrols, at the begining, were fairly boring. They basically watched Manuel do all the work, while they stood back and chatted.

It was getting into night when they heard the scream.

Izuku was the first to react. Almost naturally, he turned to where the scream had come from and almost ran to help before he caught Todoroki's eye.

Manuel glanced at his interns before running off to help.

He had probably expected them to follow him or to, at the very least, stay where they were.

Instead, Izuku fished his phone out of his pocket, looking at screen with what, he hoped, looked like shock and confusion, before charging off into a nearby alleyway.

Todoroki shouted after him before sprinting into the alley, only to see a swirling, black and purple portal closing.

He left the alleyway and looked around for Iida, only to see that the blue haired boy had also left, probably hoping to find Stain.

With a small smile on his face, Todoroki  headed back to the hero agency, hoping to change into his villain outfit and be ready for when Izuku got back.


Izuku found himself standing back in the bar, a grin on his face.

Tomura looked over to him and smiled back. "How's the trip going?"

Izuku shrugged. "Fairly boring, I would much rather be here."

"Go get changed. You can't wear that when Stain's here"

Izuku glanced down at his outfit. He had covered his hero costume with a coat and hoped the bottom looked enough like casual clothes for him to be fine.

So far, Tomura hadn't noticed that Izuku had transferred to the hero course. According to him, Izuku was currently on a school trip to Hosu.

Thank god Tomura never paid attention to the permission slips he signed.

"Oh! Right, okay."

"Izuku, your costume should be by the laundry. " Kurogiri shouted after him as he sprinted off, wanting to get out of his hero costume as quick as possible.

"Thank you!"


By the time Izuku came charging back into the bar, with his villain costume, Stain was already there, glaring at Shigaraki.

Izuku was glad he decided to put his helmet on already.

"Hi, sorry, am I late?" His voice was distorted by the mask, coming out as a low growl.

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