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Trigger warning: death

Izuku fumbled in his pocket, searching for his keys. He was staying with his mum. Tomura had been worried that she might see the news coverage and notice something was up. Izuku had to deal with it.

He managed to find his key and took a deep breath, sliding it into the lock. The lock clicked and the door glided open.

"Izuku!" Something ran at Izuku and a pair of arms were wrapped around him, suffocating him in folds of pastel fabric.

"Hey, mum. What's wrong?"

She pushed him away from her and put her hand on his face, as though checking he was real. "Have you not heard? There was an attack on UA."

Izuku stared and pushed past her into the apartment. He looked over at the TV where the attack was being covered.

"Today, class 1a from UA high were victim to a villain attack. The villains attacked at the Unforseen Simulation Joint, a facility on UA's campus. The villains seemed to have been targeting the hero All Might, who was suppost to  be teaching there at the time but wasn't due to unknown reasons."

Izuku fell to his knees and stared at the screen. "Class 1a... That's Kacchan's class. And Uraraka and Iida."

He quickly pulled out his phone, calling Uraraka. She picked up quickly.

"Uraraka! I just heard about the attack! Are you okay? Are Iida and Kacchan okay? What happened?"

Uraraka tried to calm him down and started to explain everything to him. He knew all of it already, but he listened eagerly nevertheless.

The news coverage continued in the background and Inko sat ther watching it, her eyes flicking between it and Izuku.

"W-wait..." Izuku turned to her as she started to speak. Uraraka was still explaining on the other end of the phone, but he didnt stop her. "Is that...?"

Izuku looked over at the screen and saw police drawings of Tomura and Kurogiri. Izuku's face hardened as he watched his mother's face change to one of confusion. She then looked at him and her eyes grew wide as she realised what his expression meant.

He son was a villain.

Izuku slowly raised his finger to his mouth, silently gushing her then talking through the phone to Uraraka.

"H-hey, do you mind if I call Iida now? No-no that I don't like talking to you, but I just want to make sure he's okay."

Uraraka agreed and hung up the phones after he promised to call her back right after.

Then he turned to Inko.

"I-Izuku? You didnt know about this, did you?"

He smirked and looked down at her. "Knew about it? I helped them. I was there. Are you disappointed in me? Sad that your presious son became a villain? Sorry to break it to you, mum. But I've been like this for a long time."

Inko backed away from him until her back hit the wall. "I-Izuku... No. You wouldn't do this. Y-You love heroes you aren't a villain."

Izuku laughed. "Of course I am! Of course I would! I haven't loved heroes for a long, long time! I've been a villain for longer than you would ever believe! Dad, Tomura, gave me the chance to live! I was quirkless, and he didn't cares! He helped me become more! More than I could ever be without him!"

"I am proud to be a villain."

Tears trickled down Inko's cheeks and fear shone out through he features. Izuku didn't care. He smiled and took another step closer. And closer. And closer.

"Normally," he reached into his pocket, "I'm not allowed to bring weapons into school. But today's was different, so," he  took a gun out from his pocket and held it up, the barrel pointing at his mother's head.

"Lucky you. You get a painless death."

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger and red splattered the walls.

He wiped the blood from his face and took his phone from his pocket, sending a quick text to Tomura, then calling Iida.

"Hey, Iida. I heard about what happened and wanted to make sure you were okay."

He continued talling to Iida as a portal opened behind him. He stepped through and smiled up at Tomura, who nodded and continued talking to Kurogiri.

Iida, luckily, didn't have much to say about the attack as he left to alert the pros. Izuku waited until the first opportunity he could find then told Iida he wanted to call Uraraka to make sure she was okay. He agreed and hung up.

"I know I said deal with her but I didn't mean kill her."

Izuku shrugged. "It's easier this way. She did recognise you so she would have realised eventually. Killing her kept her quiet."

Tomura shook his head and passed Izuku a glass. He took it gratefully and sipped it.

"What is this?" He asked, scrunching his face up.

Tomura smirked. "Lemon juice."

Izuku sighed. "I need to stop drinking anything you give me."

Tomura laughed. "That's what you get for giving us extra work to do. I have to go and disintegrate that body now. And then we still have to mop up the blood."

Izuku smiled. "Or, we could just leave it. Go through the house and take any valuables, break the lock on the door and trash the place. I could call the police and say I came home to find it like that."

Tomura shrugged. "I guess, but why would you want to do that?"

Izuku smiled at him. "Oh, I don't know. Just seems more fun that way."

Tomura shook his head. "Fine, but you're doing it."

Father Figure (BNHA)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz