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Todoroki and Izuku met up after school and made their way to one of the training areas. Todoroki had talked to Aizawa, saying he had a friend in general studies he wanted to help out. It took some persuading, he even had to mention Izuku's recent spell of "bad luck" with both his mum and best friend being attacked, but Aizawa agreed eventually.

When they reached the training ground, they found Present Mic there. Aizawa had told him to watch over the two students, to help them if they needed, but mostly to make sure they didn't do anything too stupid.

Izuku was disappointed to see Mic there. He had been wanting to discuss Endeavour as they trained, but he could do without. The only real problem would be that he had try and explain how strength. Of course, he could just hold back, but that wasn't his style.

Besides, he can always kill Mic if he needs to.

The two boys dropped their stuff by the enterance and moved to their spots. Izuku took a fighting stance but Todoroki just stood there.

He probably relies on his quirk to fight. How predictable. We'll need to work on that. Izuku made a mental note, waiting for Mic's signal.


Izuku ran forward, dodging a wave of ice shot at him. He grabbed an icicle and pulled himself upwards, launching himself at Todoroki.

Once again, ice shot out towards him, but he easily vaulted over it, using it like a ramp to slide down to Todoroki.

Todoroki created a wall of ice around him, but Izuku found a weak point and smashed through.

He only uses his ice. Probably because of psychological reasons rather than physical. His hatred of his father, probably.

Izuku grabbed Todoroki's shirt front and slammed his back hard into the wall if ice, causing cracks to spread through it.

Todoroki aimed a punch at his head but it was slow and easy to dodge. Izuku punched the wall, causing it to shatter and threw Todoroki to the ground.

Lack of hand to hand combat training, but a lot of quirk training. Also suffers from frostbite after using his ice for too long.

"I think that's enough for now." Izuku said, pulling Todoroki to his feet. "There're some things we need to work on."

Mic came running over to them. "Woah, kud! That was amazing! How are you not in the hero course?"

Izuku looked at him, trying to cover up his urge to punch the hero. "My dad didn't want me in the hero course. He said hero work was too dangerous."

Mic nodded. "That makes sense, but you know, kid, if you want to be a hero, you shouldn't let him stop you. It's your life, you can do what you want."

Izuku nodded and smiled. "Thanks, Mic sir, but I don't think hero work's for me."

Mic nodded and the two continued with their training.


Izuku taught Todoroki some hand to hand combat and started on some basic weapons training.

"No, you need to hold it lower down, that way you can hit harder."

Izuku maneuvered Todoroki's hands on the staff then stepped back, checking his stance and shook his head again. "Legs need to be slightly further apart. Ok, good. Now hit me."

Todoroki didn't move.

"Cone on, hit me. I need to see how you use it. The stance isn't enough."

Todoroki looked up at hom. "Can't I just swing it through the air? Why do I need to hit you?"

Izuku was bouncing around, waiting. "It's the best way to test it out. Watching someone swing is harder to critique than being hit. I can also get a good idea of your strength."

Todoroki sighed and swung at Izuku. The staff hit him square in the gut but he didn't move. He didn't even flinch. He just sighed at Todoroki.

"No, no. You need to use your hands differently. Use this hand to move the staff and this one to rotate it. Also, your aim is off. Aim for the head of throat. Only go for the gut if you can't hit those."

"But I don't want to hurt you."

"I can take it." He moved closer to Todoroki so Mic couldn't hear. "I've killed heroes, I can manage this. Ingenium kicked me in the head and I was fine. He was half dead already, but that's beside the point."

Todoroki blinked at Izuku. "Isn't Iida Ingenium's brother?"

Izuku nodded. "Yeah. It's going to be hilarious when he finds out. He'll be soooo mad."

Todoroki sighedand held the staff up again. "So like this?"



oor Todoroki was battered and bruised by the time he returned home. His sister, Fuyumi, ran right over to him and started make sure he was okay. He told her he was fine but she insisted on running off to get her first aid kit.

"I'm fine. Midoriya just has a very practical method to training. It's better than dad's training at least. He made me hit him back a few times."

Fuyumi sat next to him and started to clean some of the cuts that littered his body.

"You know," Fuyumi said "Touya used to do this all the time. He'd go off and train then come back covered in bruises and cuts. Sometimes he'd come back with burn marks. He was strong, but he pushed himself to hard."

Todoroki went quiet, just staring at the floor. Fuyumi hardly ever mentioned Touya and when she did it was in this sad tone of voice that he hated. He barely remembered Touya, but he remembered that he had loved him more than anyone else, and his sadness and confusion when he had left.

He just nodded slowly and looked up at Fuyumi, pretending he wasn't bothered by the tears gathering in her eyes.

"Midoriya tried to encourage me to use my fire and for a second... I wanted to. I wanted to use it. He's so much stronger than I could ever be. He managed to beat me easily, despite being quirkless."

Fuyumi stopped wrapping the bandages and looked up at Todoroki. "He must be strong, and determined. I can't imagine how hard he had to work to get that strong."

Todoroki looked down at his feet and smiled. "He says I need to stop being so reliant on my quirk to fight. He was training me in hand to hand combat but I'll never be as good as him."

Fuyumi smiled as well and tied the bandages off. "I'd like to meet him some day."

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