A visit

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Izuku's first few weeks in the hero course flew by. He spent most of his time with Todoroki, Uraraka and Iida, though Kirishima would join them occasionally (it was just to annoy Izuku, but the others didn't need to know that).

Aizawa had announced internships on the same day Izuku had arrived and it was all everyone had been talking about.

Since Izuku wasn't a hero course student at the time of the sports festival, his list was only pro heroes who agreed to take any hero course students. He and Todoroki planned to intern together with a small hero agency, based near Hosu city, called Manuel.

Izuku had insisted that they intern there together, though he didn't tell Todoroki why, Todoroki had his suspicions.

Ever since it had be released that Ingenium was believed to have been killed by Stain, Iida had been acting strange. He was quieter and more cut off, making the two villains think he had something planned.

Something unheroic.

Right now, Izuku and Todoroki were sat down together, looking over plans for Izuku's hero costume.

"Doesn't that look similar to your villain costume?" Todoroki asked, pointing at Izuku's newest idea.

Izuku pouted at him. "But I like my villain costume."

"You can't wear something like that in public. People will start to realise."

Izuku crossed his arms, half heartedly glaring at Todoroki. "Spoil sport."

Izuku jumped to his feet and walked over to his bed, flipping down on it. Todoroki turned around to look at the greenette.

"What do you think Iida's planning on doing?" He asked, gazing up at the ceiling.

"Well, he said he's interning with us right? So he wants to be in Hosu city." Todoroki thought out loud. Izuku nodded slightly and Todoroki continued. "I believe Stain was recently spotted in Hosu, so it's likely that he's going after Stain. That's why you wanted us to intern in Hosu, right? To either stop him... or help him."

Izuku smiled. "Yep, that was my thinking for it but I'm not sure what we should do. Dad hates Stain, so he'd be happy if we killed him, but he might still be useful to us if he's alive."

Todoroki walked over and sat down next to him, giving him a quick kiss and a smile. "I'm sure whatever you pick will be the right decision."

Izuku smiled back. "Well, that makes one of us."

The door burst open and Kirishima stood there, glancing between his two classmates with an emotionless face.

"Your dad wants you. Something about Stain, I think."

Deku glanced at Todoroki, who just shrugged and he left the room, knocking into Kirishima as he left.

Kirishima glared after him, but made no move to attack him. Last time the two of them had gotten into a fight, they had both ended up having to "train" against a couple of Nomus.

Izuku still had bruises.

The green haired boy glanced into the bar, spotting Tomura at the far side if the room, in front of the screen.

On the other side, All For One appeared to be saying something, but Izuku couldn't hear what, so he just approached, smiling down at both of them.

"Hi, dad, Grandpa. Kirishima said you wanted me?"

Tomura indicated to the screen. "Kurogiri will take you."

Izuku's face lit up. "I'm going to see Grandpa?"

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