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"Please, Dad? I just want to go to UA.  I'll learn how to fight better, and I can rather information on different heroes for you. Please."

Tomura shook his head, giving Izuku a firm look. "No. I dont want you to be surrounded by heroes like that. If they recognise you, then..."

"They won't recognise me. I always wear my mask and voice changer. Theres no way they could recognise me."

Tomura sighed and sat down so he was eye level with Izuku. "Izuku, I said no."

Izuku crossed his arms and glared at Tomura. "Fine then, Tomura." His voice was dripping with vemon as he turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Tomura considered going after him, but tantrums like this were something Izuku had copied off of him, so he knew to just leave him alone.

Izuku entered his bedroom and locked the door behind him. He walked past racks of knives and guns, all neatly displayed on the walls.

He flopped on his bed, cacooning himself with the blankets, and grabbed his laptop off of the bedside table, dragging it into the cocoon with him.

He found the application form to UA and printed two out, one for the hero course, and one for general studies.

Though he was a good fighter, he couldn't bring a gun, his main weapon, or a sword as both are illegal and he would have to have done a lot of testing to get them. The only weapon he could use were knives, which he could use, but were easier to deflect or dodge.

He filled out the two forms, pausing briefly before writing his quirk, or kack of, and sneaked off to get envelopes to send them to UA.


The next day, at school, Bakugou was bragging about how he had already applied to UA and how he was bound to get in. After the incident with his first gun, Tomura had banned Izuku from bringing weapons into school.

His aim had become a lot better over the years, and by now, he could hit a bullseye from almost a hundred meters away. Tomura didn't feel like having to clear up Bakugou's body.

Izuku took his seat in the back of the classroom, ignoring all the chatter, and waited for the class to begin.

After a few minutes, the students started streaming into the classroom, followed by the teacher. They started explaining something that Izuku ignored, instead planning what he was going to do tonight.

He felt like killing a pro hero. Noone important, any old hero would work for him. Maybe he should go for Ingenium. His speed should make it more interesting.

"Midoriya is applying to UA as well." Izuku looked up at the mention of his name and the entire class was staring at him. He looked at them with a neutral expression before they all burst out laughing.

He was going to murder each and every one of them.

Bakugou looked over at him, anger blazing in his eyes. He stared to say something, but Izuku just ignored him, choosing to just stare out of the window again.

For Ingenium, he should catch him by surprise. Aim for the legs first, so he can't escape, then he can...

"Don't ignore me, Deku!" Bakugou yelled, slamming his hands on Izuku's desk, leaving two scorch marks. Izuku flinched away, looking as frightened as he could and looking up at Bakugou with eyes that stared to fill with tears.

It was only at this point that the teacher stepped in.

Bakugou sat down again and Izuku, once again, just stared out of the window.

He was so going to kill Bakugou one day.

First, he would cut his hands off, then he would...

Izuku heard the bell sound, and everyone else started to leave the classroom. Izuku grabbed his bag and followed them.

After school, Izuku was alone in the classroom, reading over his notes on Ingenium. He would head over to Tomura's, then get Kurogiri to teleport him to Hosu. Finding Ingenium won't be difficult, if he starts screaming, then he's sure to turn up quickly.

A hand grabbed the notebook out of his hands and there was a small explosion. Bakugou threw the notebook out of the window, smiling down at Izuku menacingly.

"You still want to be a hero, Deku?" No "Then why don't you take a swan dive off the roof and hope you'll be born with a quirk in your next life."

Izuku almost laughs as Bakugou turns and storms out of the room but he can't break character when he's still I'm earshot. Though, it is quite annoying to play the weak wanna-be hero every day, but that's the best thing to do, if he doesn't want to get caught.

Izuku grabs his stuff from the desk and shoves it in his bag, slinging it over his shoulder and marching out of the door. He makes his way to the park down the street, the one where he first met Tomura.

The blue haired villain sits there, waiting for him. "Hey, Dad. So, I was wondering if I could go to Hosu tonight? There's a hero there I want to kill."

Tmouta ruffled the boy's hair and smiled down at him. "Fine, just call Kurogiri when you're done. And dont get caught, breaking you out of jail will be a pain."

Right on time, a swirling portal appeared and Izuku and Tomura walked through, not glancing back to see if anyone was watching them.

They stepped out into the bar and Kurogiri looked down at the two of them, pointing to two plates of food on the bar. The two sat down and started to eat.

"So," Tomura asked between mouthfuls of food "have you decided what high school you want to go to?"

Izuku didn't make his eyes as he shook his head, swallowing his food. "No, I'll think about it though. But, I still want to go to UA."

Tomura sighed. "You can't go to UA. Or any other hero school. I'm just trying to protect you, okay? The last thing I want is for a hero to recognise you."

Izuku nodded. "I know, Dad." He set his cutlery down as he finished his food and made his way to his room, reappearing a few minutes later in his villain costume.

He wore a long sleeved dress shirt and a black waist coat and trousers. White gloves covered his hands and a helmet-like mask covered his hair and face. He also had knives and guns tucked into his belt.

All of it was splattered with blood, some had been dried for a long time, some still seemed to shine in the light.

When he talked, his voice came out low and growling. "You dont need to come with me, I can manage it by myself. It's just Ingenium, after all. I've killed stronger than him, without you jumping in to help me."

Kurogiri opened a portal and Izuku walked confidently through, his malicious intent radiating off of him.

Tomura sat there for a few minutes before following him.

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